

Monday, November 28, 2011

Today's Workout ! Hitting the Pavement Running!

Today's workout!
5 mile run @kealakehe school ~  My run started strong and I was feeling great.. but in my first quarter mile in I noticed a man walking his dog coming up the road I was running down on. My two dogs pull when they see other dogs and I will normally cross the road to make it easier. I couldn't because there was a lava rock island that blocked me from crossing. The man moved over to help me out so that the dogs could pass easily. Since it was only the beginning of my run the dogs were running strong and even in the dark they seem to want a piece of this other dog. I have always been able to hold my two dogs, but not tonight they ripped me off my feet so fast and I hit the pavement hard and so fast I didn't know what hit me. I was able use my elbow to brace myself as I hit and let go of my dogs to risk being dragged across the pavement and into on coming traffic. Lucky I don't run where there is much traffic, but this area I run on my sons' school nights does have more traffic than I am used too.

Bowzer running
When I hit the pavement I went forward and then spun around facing up hill on the loose rock on the right side of path =(  I got up as fast as I fell and called for my dogs. They came and all was good as they didn't attack the other dog, they just wanted to check him out. The man was in shock at my fall and was in more shock at me putting my earphones back in and continuing on my run. I apologized for not being able to hold my dogs and said they were just too strong and pulled me off my feet. It was the first time ever they have been able to pull away from me.

I continued on my first mile of my run and didn't feel much pain until my second mile. It was pitch dark and most of the street lights were out and that made my run a bit harder as well. The moon was at it's smallest and it was pitch dark. I got to a street light and looked down at my leg to find the right side of my calf was swollen so big it looked like a huge grapefruit. It was red, bleeding and huge. My elbow was burning and a little swollen too. It just made me run harder and faster to complete my 5 miles that I set out to do.

I completed my entire 5 mile run by 7:15pm in pretty good time considering my fall.. 

Bugs Bunny Eating Carrot Icon Icons Emoticon Emoticons Animated Animation Animations Gif
Today's diet!                                         


Ready in 5 Weeks said...

Debra you are a beast! I would have stopped. What kind of dogs do you have?



✿islangurl said...

Aloha Kristy, lol, well I should of mentioned the size of my dogs, as they are large dogs. One is a pure breed German Shepard, the other is a pitbull,shar pei mix. Shepard is pure black w/a little tan on ears and paws, and a easy 90-100 pounds. The other is so pretty light tan with piercing blue eyes, and a easy 80-85 lbs. Last weighed 6 months ago and in great shape from running with me =)
I take them everywhere with me in my truck as they are now my kids.. Huge kids...lol
They have never pulled me off my feet like that. I always hold with my right arm and wrap leashes around a few times to hold when needed. If we would of ran in to the man with his dog a few miles in to my run most likely it wouldn't of happened. We had just started my run and they were ready and hyper, plus we were on a slight slope which made it easier for them to pull away. I was in shock because it's never happened and of course very luck the leashes got loose from my wrist or I would of been dragged in to the road.

I am very sore and only my right elbow forearm & right side calf are swollen and scrapped up. I went to get gas after running & went in to mini mart and peoples eyes when right to my leg as it was swollen up so huge from the fall..

No running on Tues. Just weight workout.. Today I go back to the school run again.. We shall see how that goes..lol You know how it is Kristy, when you have a workout planned...It must happen no matter what tries to stop you! I did end up doing the 5 miles & it was quite a good run considering my condition. I think the shock kept me from feeling anything for the first few hours.