

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Top #26 Best Ways 2 Beat Bloat~Banish Your Belly~ #23 "Mind Your Stress Levels"

Top #26 Best Ways To Beat Bloat~Banish Your Belly...

#23 Mind Your Stress Levels
We all know stress always causes something bad and the best thing for our well being is to not have it, but stress does exists and we need to recognize it when it rears it's ugly head and nip it in the bud immediately if possible. While stress can help you get things done, it does come with a bevy of healthy related problems and especially so if you suffering from chronic stress. When we are stressed our bodies release a hormones that trigger the "fight or flight" mode. This mode makes you more awesome to ensure your survival. But what happens in the body diverts resources away from the non-essential organs, such as the digestive system, to your heart, brain and muscles instead. Therefore your digestive system slows down considerably and your last meal eaten linger around longer in your gut than it normally would causing you to bloat. You can beat stress by relaxing techniques and or daily physical exercise. Exercise reduces stress hormones and releases happy hormones (endorphins) We all love those "Endorphins" so go get some every day.. Workout!

Monday, July 30, 2012

Top #26 Best Ways 2 Beat Bloat~Banish Your Belly~ #22 "Step Away from the Cigarettes"

Top #26 Best Way To Beat Bloat~Banish Your Belly...

#22 Step Away from the Cigarettes 
Smoking causes a lot of things, a lot of no so good things as most people know, yet they'll still smoke them. This time it's not the chemicals that are causing the trouble for you, it's the motions you use while smoking each dreaded cigarette. When you inhale during smoking you also inhale extra air, just when you drink out of a straw the extra air comes in to your body. This continued inhaling over a course of a day can cause a lot of extra air to get stuck inside your body, your tummy area and cause the dreaded bloating. So, my advice is.. Just STOP smoking for that reason and for the other much more important reasons that we all know about. Stop smoking and be less bloated and more important be #Fit 

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Top #26 Best Ways 2 Beat Bloat~Banish Your Belly~ #21 "Walk After Eating"

Top #26 Best Ways To Beat Bloat~Banish Your Belly...

#21 Walk After Eating
Walking may be the last thing you feel like doing after a good meal, but a brief 5 minuet walk will help release any air trapped in your digestive track. If you're eating 5-6 small meals a day, a post walk is less necessary, but certainly won't hurt if you have the time and the other plus is you'll burn extra calories at the end of the day and before you settle in for the night. 

A casual walk after a meal isn't harmful, but whether you should do a walking fitness routine after eating is a bit more complex. In general, nutrition before a workout is essential for several reasons, including providing much-needed energy. However, you should just stick to a nice easy 5-20 minuet walk after dinner, not a full workout walk or jog as there's a good chance you'll get stomach cramps and have discomfort if you try to do more than a causal, easy walk. The main object is to do a nice, slow walk after your meal just release any trapped air in your digestive track after you eat and stop and prevent any bloating, it's not to do a full strenuous workout trying to burn off your meal. You'll still burn calories, but more important it will keep you from bloating up and the light exercise, fresh clean air will make you feel good and you'll feel nice and light before you settle in for the night.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Top #26 Best Ways 2 Beat Bloat~Banish Your Belly~ #20 "Big Event?"

Top #26 Best Ways To Beat Bloat~Banish Your Belly...

#20 Big Event? Hitting the Beach?
So, you've got a big event coming up soon? It's today or tomorrow or maybe a week away and you want to make sure your tummy is flat as it possible can be for this event. Then you'll want to be sure to cut back on all bulky raw food immediately. Bulky raw foods like: Carrots, provide a similar level of nutrition when they're cooked, but raw they take a whole lot more room up in your tummy. So, rather than eating bulky raw foods that take up room and expand your tummy more than necessary, so go with cooked vegetables and smaller portions of fruit/dried fruit. If you're going on a beach vacation and want to avoid looking bloated in your small, sexy swimsuit on the beach, then skip the bulky foods for lunch and have them for dinner. Even healthy, clean food can have a negative effect on you body and cause you to bloat, so knowing how foods effect your body you can determine when is the best time to be eating them. If you love raw carrots and other veggies, but aren't going to be wearing a bikini for a beach day then by all means eat away and enjoy!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Top #26 Best Ways 2 Beat Bloat~Banish Your Belly~ #19 "Balanced Meals"

Top #26 Best Ways To Beat Bloat~Banish Your Belly...

#19 Eat Balanced Macronutrients ratios
Remember to eat balanced meals. Try not to cut out fat, protein, or carbs excessively. The best most healthy way for your body is to eat in moderation. Eating too little protein in your daily diet can cause bloating, too much fat slows down digestion and puffs you up, and to much carbs makes your body promotes water retention in your body. So, you can see it's best for your body to eat a well balanced macronutrient meals to keep your body from shocking over load of of either too much fat, too much carbs or too little protein causing the dreaded bloating of your body and belly area. In addition always drink plenty of water with your meals, and throughout the day.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Top #26 Best Ways 2 Beat Bloat~Banish Your Belly~ #18 "Eat Potassium Rich Food"

Top #26 Best Ways To Beat Bloat~Banish Your Belly..

#18 Eat potassium rich food
 Fluid balance in your body is regulated by sodium and potassium levels. Potassium helps the kidneys excrete more sodium, while sodium causes the body retain water. Basically, potassium helps relieve bloating by reducing water retention. Fruits and vegetables that are packed with potassium include... Spinach, tomatoes, potatoes, beans, kiwi, banana, cantaloupe, mango, papaya, nuts, yogurt, fish. Lots of good, healthy, yummy choices here for you to add to your diet if you're not already do so. Eat more of these healthy food choices to beat your belly from bloating.


Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Top #26 Best Ways 2 Beat Bloat~Banish Your Belly~ #17 "Graze"

Top #26 Best Ways To Beat Bloat~Banish Your Belly...

#17  Graze 
Eating smaller meals more often is much easier on your body and allows your digestive system to break down and assimilate food more easily, which then will reduce any bloating from happening. Remember that your stomach is only the size of your fist and over eating, stuffing yourself with large meals means your over-loading and stretching it. Try to reduce your portion sizes and aim to eat about 4-6 smaller meals throughout the day. If eating that often seems to be a problem or too fussy to you, then simplify it by going three main meals, but smaller and add two snacks (containing protein and carbs) between your main three meals. Try this and you will feel so much lighter and your chances of being bloated will be very slim to none.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Top #26 Best Ways 2 Beat Bloat~Banish Your Belly~ #16 "Dietary Fiber"

Top #26 Best Ways To Beat Bloat~Banish Your Fat..

#16 Dietary Fiber 
In some cases dietary fiber or the type of fiber used to treat constipation may cause bloat. It does this without actually increasing the amount of gas in the digestive track. It is thought that bloating arises from the fiber slowing the movement of gas throughout the bowels. However some types of fiber may directly increase the amount of air because they are partially digested by the bacteria that's live in the colon. So, again this is something that will be different for everyone and you need to test some of the fiber you do eat and see how it effects your body when you eat it. It may be that you are eating certain types of fiber that can or could be causing your to bloat and you're not even aware of it. If you suspect this is happening then take it out of your daily diet and see if your body feels different and if you do notice a difference, but aren't too sure then you can try to add it back in to your diet to see if your body does react negatively. If you do try this approach you need to do one food item at a time so you know exactly what food items have a negative effect to your body. This comes from knowing your body and knowing what certain foods can cause you to bloat or even cause other problems when you consume it on a regular basis.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Motivational Note✿ "Make it Happen"

Okay, it's Monday and are you going to use another excuse this week? or are you going to get your shit together and "Make it Happen" this time. Remember it doesn't get any easier if you wait or put it off for a better day or better week. It's best to just bite the bullet and jump right in to and do the work. You don't need to be perfect nor athlete to begin a healthy, fit life style, you just need to have the will, and desire to make yourself better than you are now and not settle for the body you're living with. If you're happy with yourself and your body then you're half way there, but if you're not then you clearly need some motivation to buckle down and make it happen today! Just do it and Make it Happen and a month or months from today you will be so thankful and happy you stop all the excuses and took your first step toward a better, fit and happy you! Love yourself and Love your body everyday!

Top #26 Best Ways 2 Beat Bloat~Banish Your Belly~ #15 "Tolerate Milk?"

Top 26 Ways To Beat Bloat and Banish Your Belly...

#15 Tolerate Milk
Milk carries a natural sugar known as lactose. The enzyme that breaks down lactose is known as lactase . People who are known as lactose intolerant lack enough of the enzyme lactase and therefore are unable to complete the digestion of lactose. It is the undigested lactose that cause cramping gas, and the bloating, Lactose intolerant is fairly common and as we get older we're more likely to become lactose intolerant. The think is not all dairy contains a lot of lactose. Dairy products such as cheese and yogurt can have very low levels of lactose, this is because much of it is broken down during the processing. In any case people tend to suffer with varying degree of lactose intolerance, and many are able to eat cheese and small amounts of milk ( in coffee or tea) If you don't know if you're lactose intolerant you can have your family doctor test you for it to see. If you are in question then you should find out if you're indeed lactose intolerant and then you can prevent unnecessary bloating from dairy products.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Top #26 Best Ways 2 Beat Bloat~Banish Your Belly~ #14 "Throw Away Sugar Substitutes"

Top #26 Best Ways To Beat Bloat~Banish Your Belly..

#14 Throw Away Sugar Substitutes Sugar substitutes such as xylitol, manitol, maltitol, isomalt, lactitol, mannitol, erythritol tend to be found in sweet tasting products marketed as low calorie, low-carb and sugar-free such as gum, cookies, snack bars, hard candy and flavored water beverages. While it does help you to cut back on calories, these sugar substitutes stay in your digestive tract longer where it's broken down and fermented by bacteria and playing havoc on your gut. The result to this can be bloating and excessive gas, abdominal distention and even the not so pretty diarrhea. So, be more aware of these hidden sugar substitutes in your food, drink and cut back or avoid them all together. It just takes a little more of your time to check labels and additives to you meals, drinks and you can either cut them out or chose an alternative that doesn't have a sugar substitute in them. Being aware and taking the extra time to know what's in your food is so worth it in the long run for your healthy and your body.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Top #26 Best Ways 2 Beat Bloat~Banish Your Belly~ #13 "Spicy Foods"

Top #26 Best Ways To Beat Bloat~Banish Your Belly Fat..

#13 Spicy Foods
Hot spicy food contribute to bloating, especially if your body is not used to spicy foods. Foods seasoned with black pepper, nutmeg, cloves, chili powder, hot sauces, onions, garlic, horseradish, and mustard to name some may irritate your stomach if you're not accustom to eating spicy foods, and it will cause your body to bloat. 

Eating Certain Foods: Consuming high-fat foods, spicy foods or other foods that tend to promote gas can cause uncomfortable bloating after eating. According to the Mayo Clinic, fatty foods can delay stomach-emptying, leading to uncomfortable fullness and abdominal bloating. High-sodium (salt) foods, spicy foods and carbonated beverages can also contribute to bloating. Some vegetables, such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage and cauliflower, are known to cause gas for some people. Since vegetables are an important part of a nutritious diet, avoid these foods only if they cause negative symptoms. Cooking these vegetables can reduce the gas-promoting qualities, so you may need to experiment. High-fat, spicy and high-salt foods, such as red meat, deep-fried foods and potato chips, are associated with increased risk for heart disease and other conditions. By avoiding these, you may reduce your bloating symptoms and improve your overall health simultaneously.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Top #26 Best Ways 2 Beat Bloat~Banish Your Belly #12 "Less Alcohol Please"

Top #26 Best Ways To Beat Bloat~Banish Your Belly...
#12 Less Alcohol Please
Yes, it's true consuming alcoholic drinks can make bloating worse. First of all alcohol is dehydrating and constipating, which exacerbates bloating. Secondly, many alcoholic drinks are carbonated (beer, cider, fizzy mixers, and champagne of course), which will puff you up like a round balloon. So, stay off the carbonated alcohol and always remember to rehydrate before you head for bed after you've had a night of drinking. Alcohol can irritate and erode the stomach lining, which can create bloating because the stomach is more vulnerable to digestive juices. The stomach's protective layer becomes weakened and so it is not so easy to digest foods. The digestive juices damage and inflame the stomach lining. Excessive alcohol can lead to gastritis, which produces bloating and other symptoms. Too much alcohol can make you feel hungry and eat more while eventually making you overweight and bloated. But it is not just they way you feel, it is what you are doing to your body if you continue to drink excessively. Stick to moderate drinking to give your body time to go through its fat-burning activities and keep you in healthy shape
Burning Fat It is the way alcohol deals with fat that can add pounds and bloat you up. Instead of storing away fat like some substances, alcohol is converted into acetate by the liver to slow or eliminate the body's fat burning processes. When the acetate levels rise, the body is forced to spend more time burning more acetate and less fat. So the fat left over sticks around.

Adding Fat.. Drinking too much alcohol stops the body from burning fat as energy just as skipping meals or not getting enough rest does. It is bad enough that alcohol is converted into acetate, which affects the body's fat burning abilities, but the body also makes another substance called acetyl CoA, which causes the body to make even more body fat, according to Shapefit.com. The body can only process a certain amount of alcohol per hour, about an ounce or less. It makes the liver work harder at all its functions, but it can only do so many during a short time. That's why excessive drinking can slow down the body's burning of fat and even be responsible for creating more fat. Additionally, you are not getting any vitamins, minerals or other nutrients, because alcohol has empty calories. Moderation if you're going to drink is the best way. Everyone loves to celebrate or relax and have a few beers, or glass of wine during the week and that is not a problem, it's when drinking on a regular basis and consuming too much alcohol in your system is when it's a problem. If you're wanting to banish your belly fat or rid your tummy of bloat cutting back on all alcoholic beverages or stopping completely is the best choice. Once you get to your goal, then you can maybe designate one day a week and special occasions to pop the cork and have some bubbly or a few beers and relax! Just don't relax to much when you reach your goal and make drinking alcohol a habit again... Do the work and sacrifice a little or a lot before you indulge.  

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Top #26 Best Ways 2 Beat Bloat~Banish Your Belly #11"Cut Back on Fatty Foods"

Top #26 Best Ways To Beat Bloat~Banish Your Belly..

#11 Cut Back on Fatty Foods
Fatty foods, especially fried foods can cause bloating because fat delays the stomach from emptying. This also increases the sensation of fullness and the feeling of heaviness after you eat. Cut back on all fatty foods and make sure the fat that you do consume is of the healthy sort. Monounsaturated fatty acids (aka MUFA) Some of these types of healthy fats are found in foods such as.. olive oil, avocado, nuts, seeds, flax, soybean and even dark chocolate to name a few.

A good clean diet along with regular exercise forms the cornerstone in any stragedy to lose belly fat. whether you have a lot of belly fat to lose or you just need to burn a little belly fat, you really need to pay careful consideration to your what you are allowing to pass through your lips, "Your Diet" Research as shown that there are foods that appear to increase belly fat, and foods that help you rid yourself of belly fat. So, again be aware of what you're eating and drinking, especially if you are trying to rid yourself of the dreaded belly fat or bloat. What you eat does really matter!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Top #26 Best Ways 2 Beat Bloat~Banish Your Belly~ #10 "Hide the Coffee"

Top #26 Best Ways To Beat Bloat~Banish Your Belly...
10. Hide The Coffee
Coffee over stimulates the stomach and causing it to puff up and bloat. Try to cut back the amount of caffeine-laden drinks your consuming daily. These main culprits are of course coffee, tea, cola and chocolate. Caffeine is an irritant that could trigger symptoms of various digestive conditions, resulting in bloating. Irritable bowel syndrome is a condition that affects about one in five Americans with chronic diarrhea, constipation, stomach pain, bloating and gas, according to the National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse. Irritable bowel diseases, such as Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, can also be affected by caffeine consumption.

Milk may be a consideration... If you only develop bloating after drinking coffee that contains milk or creamer, you may be lactose intolerant. Lactose intolerance is the inability to digest the sugar found in milk, which commonly causes bloating, gas and diarrhea. Bloating is a common symptom of caffeine overdose. Caffeine is a stimulant drug that can have a negative impact on the body when taken in excess. So, it's best to be aware of how caffeine is effecting your body and cut back on your daily intake of caffeine in general. You're over all health and your body will feel much better without so much caffeine in your system everyday and the chances of being bloated will be very slim to none as well.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Top #26 Best Ways 2 Beat Bloat~Banish Your Belly~ #9 "Eat Slowly"

Top #26 Best Ways To Beat Bloat~Banish Your Belly..

#9 Eat Slowly. Don't Gulp!
You can swallow excess air if you're eating too fast, gulping down both your meal and your drink. Often when you're taking big bites, gulping down your food too quickly large gulps of air get trapped in your digestive system and will cause your body to bloat. Just relax if possible and eat your food slowly. Try your best to make your meal time a relaxed occasion, and take that time to eat calmly and enjoy your food, not just consume it like a hungry animal in a hurry. We are not animals and no one is coming to steal your food from you. So, you should be able to slow your eating down even if you time to eat is limited. Eating when your rushed for time on the run or stressed out can interfer with your digestion system and will cause you to bloat. So, just relax and make time to eat your meal in a calm state. If you can't, and time is limited.. then beware of what eating fast and gulping your food down will do to your body.. Just eat slower to prevent bloating. A few extra minuets is worth preventing a bloated sore tummy.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Top #26 Best Ways 2 Beat Bloat~Banish Your Belly~ #8 "No More Gassy Veggies"

Top #26 Best Ways To Beat Bloat ~ Banish Your Belly..

#8 No More Gassy Veggies
It's unfortunate that a lot of healthy foods can cause bloating. Raffinose found in many vegetables is a indigestible carb will cause you to expand like the Michelin man. Humans don't process the enzyme needed to break down this complex carbohydrate, but the gas-producing bacteria that lives in our colon does. In the process of breaking down this carbohydrate the bacteria releases carbon dioxide, methane, and or hydrogen. Basically, the carbohydrate ferments in your colon producing gas and intestinal distress. People are effected by this in various degrees depending on each individual. Vegetables that bloat you are legumes and cruciferous vegetables that include 
1. Beans
2. Broccoli
3. Brussel Sprouts 
4. Cabbage 
5. Cauliflower 
6. Lettuce
If you enjoy eating these specific veggies and would love to continue eating them (as you should), you can supplement with a over-the-counter digestive aid such as "Beano" which contains the missing enzyme needed. This allows your body to break down the indigestible carbohydrate before those pesky, gas-producing bacteria in your gut can get a hold of it. Ergo, less or No gas. No one wants to be gassy, and especially while out around public, out to dinner or gathering where food is served.  

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Top #26 Best Ways 2 Beat Bloat~Banish Your Belly #7 "Reduce Salt Intake"

Top #26 Best Ways To Beat Bloat~Banish Your Belly..

#7 Reduce Salt Intake
For the same reason you should drink a lot of water throughout the day, you should reduce your salt in take at every meal. Salt makes the body retain water, which causes bloating. Foods to be particular careful and aware of are... packaged food, processed foods, canned food and the deadly over salted restaurant meals. These foods tend to be incredibly high in salt to make them more tasty to us. Endeavor to prepare fresh meals at home as much as you possibly can. This will help you have total control of what is going in to your meals and then in your body. You can also try swapping your table salt for natural sea salt or kosher salt which are both lower in sodium, but will give your food the same salt flavor it needed. Before you go to grab a condiment to flavor your food, you should also know that soy sauce is also very high in sodium and will cause bloating. Instead go for fresh garlic, peppers, herbs and spices to add more flavor to your meals making them just as scrumptious and full of flavor.. Always be aware of what your putting on your food and therefore in your body.  It does matter and will matter more if you don't take notice more often or better yet all the time. It's true you are what you eat!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Top #26 Best Ways 2 Beat Bloat~Banish Your Belly #6 "Stop Chewing Gum & Hard Candy"

Top #26 Best Ways To Beat Bloat ~ Banish Your Belly..

#6 Stop Chewing Gum & Hard Candy
This my not be a obvious cause of your bloating, but chewing gum and sucking on hard candy causes you to swallow more air than what is normal. Air gets trapped in your gut, increases pressure and makes you bloat. Not only that, gums, mints and hard candy that are sugar-free often contain certain sugar alcohols that in itself can cause your belly to bloat. It's similar to sweeteners used to sweeten our drinks and other food items, as they have chemicals that aren't good for our bodies and although they may be sugar-free, fat-free that doesn't mean they are good for your body. So. be careful what you put in your mouth thinking it's okay and won't cause a back fire effect on you. Chewing gum or sucking on candy verses a bloated tummy? Hmmmmm no contest there for me!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Top #26 Best Way 2 Beat Bloat~Banish Your Belly~ #5 "SassyWater"

Top #26 Best Ways To Beat Bloat Banish Your Belly..

#5 Drink Sassy Water 
The popular book "Flat Belly Diet" advocates drinking 8-glasses of "Sassy Water" per day. It will help calm and soothe your gastrointestinal track and ward off bloating. Sassy Water recipe below..
1. 2 liters of water (8 1/2 cups)
2. 1 tsp. freshly grated ginger
3. I med. cucumber, peeled and thinly sliced.
4. 1 med. lemon, thinly sliced.
5. 12 small spearmint leaves

Sassy Water ingredients.. Easy accessible items you're able to buy at your local grocery store or if you have a farmers market you most likely can get all these items there as well. Buy your items fresh at the beginning of the week. Make your Sassy water at night before bed or first thing in the morning and drink it throughout the day! Take it on to go with you too! Drink 8oz glasses each day or more and be healthy, fit and feeling great!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Top #26 Best Ways 2 Beat Bloat~Banish Your Belly #4 "DrinkWater"

Top #26 Best Ways To Beat Bloat~Banish Your Belly..

#4 Drink Water
Mild dehydration is bloating. You should be drinking 8-8oz glasses of water per day to keep yourself sufficiently hydrated, and more if you're exercising or lead a active lifestyle. Providing your body with adequate amounts of water restores the body's sodium balance, which will help your body ward against water retention. Drinking water will also help flush your digestive track, and keep it moving and reduce constipation. Plus, water is calorie free. If you're not a fan of plain water, especially fat mineral water (No fizzy water allowed) Try Sassy water, or herbal tea. #5 I will post Sassy water recipe you can make to give your water some taste and some sass =)

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Top #26 Best Ways 2 Beat Bloat & Banish Your Belly #3 "High-Acid Drinks"

Top #26 Best Ways To Beat Bloat & Banish Your Belly...

#3 High-Acid Drinks
I have mentioned these drinks in both #1-2 because acidic drinks not only cause tooth decay, but according to the flat belly diet... alcohol, coffee, tea, hot coco and acidic fruit juices can irritate the gastrointestinal track and cause swelling. You don't have to cut them all out entirely, but you do need to realize how these drinks effect your body, and the negative effects they cause to you. If it's something you enjoy then moderation is the best thing when consuming acidic drinks. Of course, like I mentioned in post #1-#2 knowing your body is key. Knowing when it might not be the best time for you to consume certain drinks if it can or does cause you bloating is a big plus, and you can have total control over being bloated if you know what causes it. If you're at the beach, or pool side in your tiny bikini or swim trucks then you can steer clear of these drinks all together. Wait till your home comfortable and can handle a little bloating without being uncomfortable, embarrassed or wanting to look your best and not be bloated. Health wise keep all these drinks to a minimum and you will feel better and healthy over all!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Top #26 Best Ways 2 Beat Bloat & Banish Your Belly #2 "Don't Drink Through A Straw"

Top #26 Best Ways To Beat Bloat & Banish Your Belly..

#2 Don't Drink Through A Straw
Using a straw is a great way to prevent staining your teeth, tooth decay and cavities. Sipping acidic drinks such as fruit juices, soda and even coffee, tea through a straw reduces contact between drink and teeth, which decreases the risk of tooth decay, cavities and staining. But, if bloating is an issue, step away from the straw now. Sipping your drinks through a straw causes you to swallow extra air to go in to your body, therefore causing bloat. This is one you need to choose what's more important.. bloat or your teeth? I drink my favorite acidic drink, diet pepsi through a straw cause I feel staining and tooth decay are more important, but I think cutting down on these acidic drinks is one way to hit two birds with one stone. Both sipping through a straw, and drinking acidic, carbonated drinks causes bloating so it's best to limited them both or stop entirely consuming them on a regular basis. Now being aware of drinking through a straw, which causes air to go in to you body and cause bloating, you now can prevent this at specific times that may not be the best time to be bloated. If there is ever a good time to be bloated?! Example: Out to dinner in your tight, little black dress, or at the pool side in your tiny bikini, and men in swim trucks. Sipping tropical drinks at pool side with no idea your belly may bloat out any minuet. You know can for go the straw in your drink and drink from the glass and prevent the dreaded bloating of your tummy.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Top #26 Best Ways 2 Beat Bloating & Banish Your Belly ~ #1 "Avoid"

Top #26 Best Ways To Beat Bloating & Banish Your Belly

#1 Avoid
Avoid fizzy drinks as you know they are all full of gas, and where do you think all those cute little bubbles going to end up? Yep, you got that right. In your tummy. Those cute, little bubbles release carbon dioxide gas in to your stomach. So, cut down or cut out the carbonated drinks and beer. Especially cut them out when you know you have a special occasion where you most definitely wouldn't want to be bloated. We all love our bubbles, and I love my fizzy diet pepsi myself, but if you can just limited them and know when it's not the best time for your tummy to bloat out you can steer clear of the fizzy bubbles in soda and beer and drink plain water or mineral water instead. Nothing is worse than feeling bloated in a little bikini or a slim fitting dress or even a pair of jeans, so just know your body and how it reacts so you don't feel or look bloated at the worst times possible. There is never a good time to be or feel bloated, but if your home for the day and enjoy your soda or have a beer you don't have to worry to much about some bloat. If you know your body racts poorly after drinking carbonated drinks then you best play it safe and drink water and feel good!


Sunday, July 8, 2012

Top #26 Best Ways 2 Beat Bloating Banish & Your Belly!

26 Best Ways To Beat Bloating & Banish Your Belly
Okay, so you've put in all the hard work and sacrificed a lot to lose your belly fat through eating clean and working out. But, now after all the sweat, tears, determination and skipping some delectable treats you love, your belly is either still big, or just at the most inconvenient times it blows up and ruins everything. It could be your perpetually bloated and are at the point where you have just become accustomed to it. You might not be aware it's an actual problem and it's not suppose to be a fact of life. It might also be that your only bloated now and then and haven't figured out what's the cause of your bloated belly. Either way a bloating belly ruins the lines of nice outfit, ruins the sexy look of bikini and it can make you look like your with child and it may not be fat, but it's just as unsightly. After all a pot belly is a pot belly whether it's caused by air or fat. No one wants a bloated or fat belly period.

There are a few reasons why bloating can happen just when you don't want it to. Special event? You're doing something different. Find out what it is and what is causing your tummy to bloat. Are you eating healthy? There can be a few culprits there too. All manner of drinks can also cause you bloating too. Even to most innocuous of things can cause bloating, not in everyone but maybe it's the root cause of your bloated belly. Good news is there's a lot of steps you can take to prevent bloating, pre-empt bloating or treat bloating, Would you like to know all there is to know about bloating, and how you can prevent it or even fix it if you're having trouble with a bloating tummy. I will be posting the best ways you can beat belly bloat and banish that belly! It's summer and it's never a good time for a bloated belly, but especially during summer it can ruin everything and make you feel pretty bad and even depressed. So, lets fix that and make it a bikini wearing summer at anytime of the day or night and keep you bloat free!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Motivational Note✿ "Fight 2Be Fit"

Anything as precious and beautiful as being healthy, fit and happy is worth the daily sacrifice and fight to obtain it and keep it! It's not a one time fight that you win and you're done. This is a daily on going fight that you must commit to and sacrifice for.. to be fit, healthy and happy. Anything in this life worth having is worth the daily fight for it. So, put on your gloves and keep fighting everyday to be Fit for your life! #Fight2BeFit 

Friday, July 6, 2012

Top #30 Plus Greatest Ways 2 Lose Belly Fat ~ #33 "Ditch the Scale"

Top #30 Plus Greatest Ways To Lose Belly Fat..

#33 Ditch the scale
A scale will not show an accurate reflection of your progress. If you are exercising you're not just losing weight, your body composition is changing. In other words, you're losing fat and gaining muscle, and you should know muscle weighs more than fat.  So, there's much more going on with your body then the scale can show you. The best way to keep track is with a tape measure and keep track of you vital statistics (taking your body measurements). Taking your body measurements is the best way to see where you're losing and what parts of you body are gaining muscle. The other way is to try on clothes that you wore prior to starting your get fit journey, and see how they fit your body along the way as that's a great way to show the changes in your body. Another good way that I use personally is use the mirror and a bikini to see the changes in your body. Try on a the size bikini that you're wanting to fit in to or maybe fit into before and stand in front of the mirror. The great thing is the mirror doesn't lie unless it's a Fun House mirror in a amusement park.. So, make sure it's your trusted mirror at home and really look at yourself, your body in front of the mirror and if you're doing the work, eating clean you should see amazing changes this way as well. Other than the scale you have these other ways to gauge your body's progress.
Taking your measurements is a fantastic method in keeping track of your changing body as you get fit.  When you burn fat and increase muscle mass, there may be times when you weigh a little more despite the fact that your body is getting smaller and tighter. For a complete picture of your progress when taking your body measurements, measure yourself in 10 different places. Make sure you use a non-stretch measuring tape. Make sure the tape is level around your body and parallel to the floor. Keep tape close to your skin without depressing it.
1. Bust: Measure all the way around your bust, back on line of your nipples.
2. Chest: Measure directly under your breast as high up as possible.
3. Waist: Measure at it's narrowest point width-wise, above the navel.
4. Hips: Measure around the widest part of you hip bones.
5. Midway: Measure midway between the widest part of your hips and waist. 
6. Thighs: Measure around the fullest part of your upper leg while standing.
7. Knees: Measure right above the knee
8. Calves: Measure around fullest part. 
9. Upper-arm: Measure above your elbows, around the fullest part.
10. Form-arm: Measure below your elbows, around the fullest part.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Top #30 Plus Greatest Ways 2 Lose Belly Fat ~ #32 "Go Mediterranean"

Top #30 Plus Greatest Ways To Lose Belly Fat...

 #32 Go Mediterranean 
A Mediterranean diet has been shown by a plethora of studies to not just help keep belly fat off, but it can also help with losing weight, especially from the tummy area. Research has also shown that it can improve insulin sensitivity and reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, the metabolic syndrome and abdominal obesity. The reason Mediterranean way is thought to target stomach fat that it is high in healthy fats known as MUFAs (Monounsaturated fats), which is found in such foods as.. olives, olive oil, avocado, nuts and seeds.

How does this work? Spikes in blood sugar, which you get when eating high carbohydrate diet signals your body to store fat in the abdominal area.  Now, MUFA's counter these spikes in blood sugar, keeping blood sugar levels steady and thus preventing belly fat accumulation. Including MUFA's in your 5 daily meals and snacks will help you stick to your calorie controlled diet to lose belly fat. Include one serving of MUFA at every meal and keep that fat away from your beautiful, fit abs. This is only a part of the big picture and diet is very important part of that picture. So, if you do the work you will obtain the beautiful, fit, trim tummy you have been working so hard for..

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Running✿ "Kick My Okole Hill"

I thought I would share one of my beautiful island hills... I named it.. "Kick my Okole Hill" I could only get part of the hill in the shot as you can see how far down it goes, and it goes up steeper as I climb higher. Goes another 1.5 miles up to the top from this point. I have gotten to the point where I don't stop, unless it's too hot and my puppies need a 60 seconds shade break. Sometimes it might be a tough run day and my quads get pumped up so full I need to relieve them for 30-60 sec. then we keep climbing. This is #1 of five long steep hills I climb when I do my hill climbing runs. It's a beautiful view at the top!

 This is my puppy growing bigger everyday. He's 6 months old now and has been running with me since he was only 10 weeks old. He loves to run right beside me and after our run he loves to relax on the cool grass. Bear will relax and watch me do my walking lunges up and down our cul-de-sac I think it's his favorite part of running.. lol  Relaxing on the cool, green grass.

Here is Bear & Sammy waiting in my truck to go for a ride to the store after our long 5-mile hill run. One of their favorite things to do after such a long, hot run.

Top #30 Plus Greatest Ways 2 Lose Belly Fat ~#31 "Blast Fat w/Dairy"

Top #30 Plus Great Ways To Lose Belly Fat...

#31 Blast fat with dairy
This seemingly innocuous food group which is rich in calcium as been shown to help you lose belly fat. Research shows yogurt to be particularly effective in boosting fat loss generally and belly fat specifically, as well as help maintaining muscle mass which generally decreases during weight-loss. While fully not understood it is thought that the calcium in dairy may slow down the body's fat making process. But, before you rush out to buy some calcium supplements, research shows that people who eat three cups of yogurt a day lose more belly fat than those who take calcium supplements. So, there is more going on than just getting your daily dose of calcium here. Example: dairy products are not only rich in calcium but also conjugated linoleic acid, otherwise known as CLA, which is another belly fat blasting substance. 

Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) is thought to be a natural dietary supplement that induces fat-loss and muscle gain. The benefits of CLA are believed to include:
1. decrease in fat
2. increase in muscle growth
3. increase in metabolic rate
4. protects against fat gain followed by weight-loss, thus maintaining initial reductions in body fat and weight in the long term.
5. may lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Top #30 Greatest Ways 2 Lose Belly Fat ~ #30 " What u eat & How much"

Top #30 Greatest Ways To Lose Belly Fat...

#30 What you eat is just as important as how much you eat.
It might sound crazy to some, but it is true.  What you're eating is just as important as how much you eat. Research (Framingham Nutrition Studies) shows that women who ate healthy, but consume 360 more calories had less belly fat then women who ate less. The women who ate less calories, made poor food choices that were high in bad fat and low in fiber and this caused these women to have more belly fat even though they consumed far less calories per day.  So, eating less isn't the answer or a trick you can do to get away with eating unhealthy. There's no tricking your body, and eating unhealthy food, but eating very little will only back fire on your body forcing it in to starvation mode, as I spoke about several times during these #30 Ways to lose belly fat. You may think you can trick your body and get away with eating poorly but eating very little, and exercising for hours on end just so you are able to eat unhealthy foods doesn't work. Our bodies are smart and feel and react to every food morsel we consume. So, be smart and don't try to trick or cheat your body, especially if you're serious about getting rid of belly fat, and overall body fat. If need be and to keep you from binging have a cheat day and allow yourself that day to eat a cheat meal or sugary snacks that you just cannot live without, but the rest of the week eat clean and healthy and love your body. Your body in turn will shine by looking fit, healthy and beautiful for you.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Top #30 Greatest Ways 2 Lose Belly Fat ~ #29 "Carbs Matter"

Top #30 Greatest Ways To Lose Belly Fat..

#29 Carbs Matter
Yes, carbohydrates do matter. But, I'm not talking low-carb or high-carb I'm talking the type of carbs you're eating. Research shows that the type of carbohydrates you're consuming can have a huge bearing from where you lose weight. A study published by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, showed that dieters who ate whole grains (e g. dark bread, brown rice, popcorn, bulgur wheat) lost twice as much belly fat than those who consumed the same amount of calories, but ate refined grains (e g. white bread, white pasta). It is thought that whole grains keep fat storage hormone insulin lower, and lower insulin levels seem to shrink the size of fat cells in the belly. Therefore what carbohydrates you allowing in your body have a huge effect on your belly fat and how you look overall. It's not just how much you exercise, workout or burn fat, it's just as important if not more important what you allow your body to consume that creates the out come. It creates what you see on the outside as well as how you feel on the inside of your body. So, begin loving your body more and learn what good carbohydrates to feed your beautiful fit body to be or to keep maintaining. #Loveyourbody

Motivation Note✿ "Dear Tomorrow"

Dear tomorrow... Never be afraid of what lies ahead of you. If you spend your life being afraid of what tomorrow may bring or not bring, you'll just not be living your full potential and basically giving up out of fear of failing or even succeeding. Whether you fail or succeed is in fates hands, but it's up to you to do your absolute best to live each day a good person and live the best you can and not fear any out come. Just remember good or bad it's what makes us who we are in this life and it's time live and to be proud of who your are and start having "No Fear"  Bring it on!!!  #NoFear

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Top #30 Greatest Ways 2 Lose Belly Fat ~ #28 "Before A Big Event"

Top #30 Greatest Ways To Lose Belly Fat...

#28 Before a Big Event
If you have a big event or special occasion coming up that you're look forward to, such as a wedding, beach holiday or vacation you'll definitely want to lose any bloat in your tummy area. There are some steps you can take a week, days prior to this event to help with any bloat which will help you feel and look your very best. You'll want to avoid such food as.. any gassy foods, legumes, cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, peppers and spicy foods. Now, again everybody is different and reacts differently to certain foods, so getting to know what foods create uncomfortable bloating in your body is a great way to know exactly what foods you need to avoid the most. There are some remedies to try like peppermint, chamomile or fennel tea's to beat the bloat, as well as activate-charcoal caplets and probiotic. Activating charcoal caplets and probiotics will aid in capturing unwanted material in the digestive system, removing "toxins" or other such compounds from your body. There are also charcoal supplement you can buy and take to help absorb gases and deflate your stomach for a flatter appearance. Another easy thing you can do days before your big event is drink plenty of water and flush you body and keep yourself hydrated so it doesn't bloat from dehydration. 

Running "Fountain of Youth"

Running "Fountain of Youth"
Scientists have discovered the fountain of youth—it’s running. Studies continue to find that hitting the roads improves health and well-being. “The biggest benefits come from vigorous exercise like running,” says JoAnn Manson, M.D., chief of preventive medicine at Brigham and Women’s Hospital. Here are the latest reasons to lace up.
People who run more than 35 miles a week are 54 percent less likely to suffer age-related vision loss than those who cover 10 miles a week.
Runners who log a weekly run of 10 miles (or more) are 39 percent less likely to use high-blood-pressure meds and 34 percent less likely to need cholesterol meds compared with those who don’t go farther than three miles.
Men who burn at least 3,000 calories per week (equal to about five hours of running) are 83 percent less likely to have severe erectile dysfunction.
Running strengthens bones better than other aerobic activities, say University of Missouri researchers who compared the bone density of runners and cyclists. Sixty-three percent of the cyclists had low density in their spine or hips; only 19 percent of runners did.
British workers were surveyed on a day they worked out and a day they didn’t. People said they made fewer mistakes, concentrated better, and were more productive on the day they were active.
A study in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society reported that women who were active as teenagers were less likely to develop dementia later in life.
Insomniacs fell asleep in 17 minutes on days they ran, compared to 38 minutes on days they didn’t. They also slept for an extra hour on days they exercised.
People who exercise for an hour a day are 18 percent less likely to suffer upper-respiratory-tract infections than those who are inactive, according to a study from Sweden. Moderate activity boosts immunity.
Researchers had asthmatics do two cardio workouts and one strength session a week. After three months, they reported less wheezing and shortness of breath.
A review of 22 studies found that people who work out 2.5 hours a week are 19 percent less likely to die prematurely than those who don’t exercise. A separate study found that active people have a 50 percent lower risk of premature death.
Reference: runnersworld.com