

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Top #26 Best Ways 2 Beat Bloat~Banish Your Belly~ #18 "Eat Potassium Rich Food"

Top #26 Best Ways To Beat Bloat~Banish Your Belly..

#18 Eat potassium rich food
 Fluid balance in your body is regulated by sodium and potassium levels. Potassium helps the kidneys excrete more sodium, while sodium causes the body retain water. Basically, potassium helps relieve bloating by reducing water retention. Fruits and vegetables that are packed with potassium include... Spinach, tomatoes, potatoes, beans, kiwi, banana, cantaloupe, mango, papaya, nuts, yogurt, fish. Lots of good, healthy, yummy choices here for you to add to your diet if you're not already do so. Eat more of these healthy food choices to beat your belly from bloating.


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