

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Top #26 Best Ways 2 Beat Bloat~Banish Your Belly~ #23 "Mind Your Stress Levels"

Top #26 Best Ways To Beat Bloat~Banish Your Belly...

#23 Mind Your Stress Levels
We all know stress always causes something bad and the best thing for our well being is to not have it, but stress does exists and we need to recognize it when it rears it's ugly head and nip it in the bud immediately if possible. While stress can help you get things done, it does come with a bevy of healthy related problems and especially so if you suffering from chronic stress. When we are stressed our bodies release a hormones that trigger the "fight or flight" mode. This mode makes you more awesome to ensure your survival. But what happens in the body diverts resources away from the non-essential organs, such as the digestive system, to your heart, brain and muscles instead. Therefore your digestive system slows down considerably and your last meal eaten linger around longer in your gut than it normally would causing you to bloat. You can beat stress by relaxing techniques and or daily physical exercise. Exercise reduces stress hormones and releases happy hormones (endorphins) We all love those "Endorphins" so go get some every day.. Workout!

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