

Monday, July 9, 2012

Top #26 Best Ways 2 Beat Bloating & Banish Your Belly ~ #1 "Avoid"

Top #26 Best Ways To Beat Bloating & Banish Your Belly

#1 Avoid
Avoid fizzy drinks as you know they are all full of gas, and where do you think all those cute little bubbles going to end up? Yep, you got that right. In your tummy. Those cute, little bubbles release carbon dioxide gas in to your stomach. So, cut down or cut out the carbonated drinks and beer. Especially cut them out when you know you have a special occasion where you most definitely wouldn't want to be bloated. We all love our bubbles, and I love my fizzy diet pepsi myself, but if you can just limited them and know when it's not the best time for your tummy to bloat out you can steer clear of the fizzy bubbles in soda and beer and drink plain water or mineral water instead. Nothing is worse than feeling bloated in a little bikini or a slim fitting dress or even a pair of jeans, so just know your body and how it reacts so you don't feel or look bloated at the worst times possible. There is never a good time to be or feel bloated, but if your home for the day and enjoy your soda or have a beer you don't have to worry to much about some bloat. If you know your body racts poorly after drinking carbonated drinks then you best play it safe and drink water and feel good!


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