

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Top #26 Best Ways 2 Beat Bloat~Banish Your Belly~ #16 "Dietary Fiber"

Top #26 Best Ways To Beat Bloat~Banish Your Fat..

#16 Dietary Fiber 
In some cases dietary fiber or the type of fiber used to treat constipation may cause bloat. It does this without actually increasing the amount of gas in the digestive track. It is thought that bloating arises from the fiber slowing the movement of gas throughout the bowels. However some types of fiber may directly increase the amount of air because they are partially digested by the bacteria that's live in the colon. So, again this is something that will be different for everyone and you need to test some of the fiber you do eat and see how it effects your body when you eat it. It may be that you are eating certain types of fiber that can or could be causing your to bloat and you're not even aware of it. If you suspect this is happening then take it out of your daily diet and see if your body feels different and if you do notice a difference, but aren't too sure then you can try to add it back in to your diet to see if your body does react negatively. If you do try this approach you need to do one food item at a time so you know exactly what food items have a negative effect to your body. This comes from knowing your body and knowing what certain foods can cause you to bloat or even cause other problems when you consume it on a regular basis.

1 comment:

Dawn said...

I have been going through this issue recently and have been keeping a better log of the foods I eat and how I feel after I eat. It has helped me see what is going on a little better. It's funny how obliviious we can be to our bodies reaction to certain foods.