

Friday, July 13, 2012

Top #26 Best Way 2 Beat Bloat~Banish Your Belly~ #5 "SassyWater"

Top #26 Best Ways To Beat Bloat Banish Your Belly..

#5 Drink Sassy Water 
The popular book "Flat Belly Diet" advocates drinking 8-glasses of "Sassy Water" per day. It will help calm and soothe your gastrointestinal track and ward off bloating. Sassy Water recipe below..
1. 2 liters of water (8 1/2 cups)
2. 1 tsp. freshly grated ginger
3. I med. cucumber, peeled and thinly sliced.
4. 1 med. lemon, thinly sliced.
5. 12 small spearmint leaves

Sassy Water ingredients.. Easy accessible items you're able to buy at your local grocery store or if you have a farmers market you most likely can get all these items there as well. Buy your items fresh at the beginning of the week. Make your Sassy water at night before bed or first thing in the morning and drink it throughout the day! Take it on to go with you too! Drink 8oz glasses each day or more and be healthy, fit and feeling great!

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