

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Daily Fit Tip! Get your Zzz'z

sleeping girl

This daily post is dedicated to my good friend Shannon =) 87.gifI too suffer most of the time from sleep deprivation. It will control me if I allow it too. I can go all night in to the whole next day if I am not careful. I have to really work on it and relax myself to be able sleep. I met a great fitness friend on Fitness Blog World.. Kristy who turned me on to something that worked for her. She writes about it in detail in her blog.. http://readyin5weeks.blogspot.com/ Nov 10th post called "Sleep Sweet Sleep"
sleeping stitchMost women don’t get enough shut-eye. To stay mentally and physically energetic, your body needs at least eight hours of sleep so that your mind – and muscles – can repair themselves.

People who suffer from a sleep deficit not only feel sluggish, but often battle feelings of sadness and depression. Getting a solid night’s sleep not only can lift your spirits, but it will also help sharpen your mind. Studies show that being well rested makes concentration easier and even improves your ability to learn. This is because the more sleep you get, the more minutes your brain spends in the rapid-eye movement (REM) phase of sleep. And REM is crucial for cementing new information into long and short-term memory. Research suggests that it is during REM sleep that we file away everything we learn. So promise that you will hit the sack at a reasonable hour starting tonight.
Sleeping smiley

1 comment:

Ready in 5 Weeks said...


I am so happy to hear you are sleeping better!

I love sleep....

