

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Daily Diet Tip! "Training on Empty"

Apple Glitter There is very little evidence that performing cardio on an empty stomach burns more calories. Actually, numerous studies show quite the opposite: Eating a small meal before exercise can, in fact, increase the number of calories burned as a result of that exercise session.

Those who eat a small meal prior to exercise generally perform more intense workouts. Make sure you eat your meal at least 1-1/2 - 2 hours prior to intense training. The food needs time to digest before you do your workout. Make sure the meal you choose eat prior to working out is not something that will just sit in your stomach or take longer for you to digest. Every "body" reacts different and this is when you need to listen to your own "body". I myself need to eat at least 2 hours prior to weight lifting to have the best possible workout. I would actually rather train on a empty stomach than train on a full one. 

When I run I have to have my stomach completely empty. When I was training for a Superfitness competition and I was doing 1/2 mile - 1 mile interval sprint runs, I would always train first thing in the morning. This way my stomach was empty and I was at my best to run, and run fast. If I waited till the afternoon and had several meal lingering in my tummy I wouldn't be at my best. This works best for me though and  I have found out from trial and error how my own "body" works best. Find out what works best for you and your own "body" 


Tami said...

I workout much better on an empty stomach, first thing in the morning. If I know I have a lot of harder lifting I try to eat a couple of those G1 preworkout squares, but anything more and I feel sluggish, and oddly more hungry when I'm done than if I had eaten anything at all. All of our bodies are so different. Takes a whole lifetime to figure them out it seems sometimes!!

✿islangurl said...

Tami you are so right! I too prefer a empty stomach. If I know I have hours prior I will have something to eat. If not I will not eat because it does effect me the same. I feel heavy and sluggish even if I just eat protein. I have a small stomach so it doesn't take much. If I feel I need something and it's close to my weight training I will eat a half of protein bar or have a smoothie.
When it comes to running, I need to have my stomach empty. Even with a empty stomach I will still make myself sick on those hills..lol

We all need to find what works best for our own bodies.. It might take some time and some hard workouts to figure it out.

Mahalo for the feed back =)