

Monday, November 7, 2011

King or Queen of the "Hill" =)

crownMy son and I found some more hills for me to torture myself running them. These pictures are of a nice mile and half long gradual hill. I do love these kind of hills. I do love super steep hills too, but this kind of long gradual hill is a real challenge to run at a good pace and to just keep climbing without any stops. When you get a good rhythm and pace going up the hill, it can give you that all natural runners high. =)

Real steep hills are great to run up as well, but much harder to climb without any stopping. The steeper the hill the more pumped your thighs get, and that can hurt at times. When that happens I will stop for 15-30 seconds to punch my thighs and get that lactic acid moving through my thighs so I can continue to climb the hill to the top. Short steeper hills take a lot of leg and okole (bum) power, and if you want to build your bum up, give it that high roundness...then run some hills.  Any type of hill will do, just work towards mastering as much of the climb without stopping as possible. Go further each time until you are able to climb the hill non-stop to the top.. Be the "King" or "Queen" of your hill!
Small Blue Glitter Crown

Small Silver Glitter King Crown

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