

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Daily Diet Tip!

Apple GlitterMany people are embracing “cheat meals” instead of “cheat days” as a way to save calories when they indulge. Single-meal-cheaters think they are doing their body a favor by only indulging in one calorie-filled meal in a cheat day, but this type of cheating isn’t sufficient when it comes to weight loss. Research has repeatedly shown that it takes anywhere from 8-12 hours of increased calories for the anti-starvation hormone leptin to respond adequately. A single cheat meal simply won’t get it done. So next time you are thinking about having just one cheat meal, or perhaps even skipping your cheat day altogether, remember less is not better in this case. It does takes a leap of faith, but when you see your measurements continue to drop week after week, you’ll never trade in your full day of dietary cheating again.

It is not worth it if your going to have just that one "cheat meal" as your only meal for the day. This jeopardizes all your hard work in the gym and jeopardizes your healthy diet. It can send your body in to starvation mode and you don't want that. Take your cheat day and enjoy it. Don't feel guilty or bad about it. If you are making all the right healthy choices and eating clean all the other days, then you certainly deserve your cheat day.

One trick that works well for me and may for others that want a cheat day but feel guilt during and the day after, so they may skip it altogether. Don't cheat by eating all junk or bad food all day. Eat on schedule as you would any other day, but add some of your favorites in your main meals that you don't allow yourself to have on a given eating healthy day. This way you get to indulge a little and enjoy your favorite treats along with your good healthy choices as well. Then you won't feel as guilty or bad about having a cheat day. Plus the good thing about having a designated cheat day is you're feeding your cravings on your cheat days. This way you won't deprive yourself and possibly go on a week or two long bender. So go ahead take and enjoy your "cheat days"
1sm201Cake3Pig Eating                                       


Tami said...

So do you recommend cheat days once a week? I've read that guys have cheat days while ladies have cheat meals...lol. I tend to have cheat weekends ;) Actually just not as regimented on weekends, with Sat night being the carb night because we usually do pizza or a treat. Maybe thats why my Sunday morning workouts are the best! ha!

✿islangurl said...

Tami, If you gonna have yourself a cheat day, have a cheat day and enjoy it. Don't just have one "cheat meal" and tease yourself or ruin your eating patterns for that one cheat meal. You can still eat good meals during that cheat day, just add in some of your very favorites each meal that you normally will not allow yourself on a normal day.

Enjoy, it's your one day to reward yourself for all your hard work and sacrifice. =)