

Friday, November 25, 2011

Flatten Your Tummy & Tone Your Tushie!

A flat tummy is very sexy and often admired by many but as women age, it often takes some work to achieve that look. It takes a healthy low-fat diet and an active exercise program to produce the results of a firm flat tummy and a toned Okole (Tush). 
Diet plays a major role in keeping the tummy under control. Protein, the building block of every cell in the body, should be eaten at each meal. Protein sources that are low in saturated fat are the best choices and can be found in vegetables and legumes as well as meat. Foods like beans, avocado's, and chicken are great examples of low-fat protein. These foods are also easily digested, with less chance of being stored as fat reserves in the body.
Exercise however, is the best way to work your core muscles to attain that sleek, long, flat look for both the tummy and the tush. A plan that includes both cardio and strength training exercises has repeatedly rendered the best results. But in order to get that sculpted muscular look, it’s going to take specific exercises to work that area.
http://tobeinformed.com/abdominal-muscles/build-abdominal-muscles.gif You’ll want to choose exercises like abdominal crunches, sit ups, planks, running, walking, stair climbing and or hill running, dancing and kickboxing. All of these exercises and more will concentrate on working the core muscles that strengthen the back and stomach muscles. If you consistently work at these exercises your core muscles will become stronger and muscle memory will improve. After a while you will become mindful of these exercises even during everyday activities like reaching, bending and stretching.
In no time at all, you can flatten your tummy and tone your tush. It takes as little as 30 minutes a day to improve your overall fitness and develop a sexier and more beautiful body. The benefits are both internal and external and can help you feel more vibrant and improve the quality of your liveliness.

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