

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Milkshake or Smoothie? Milk or Water?

I thought this was just too cute~ It should say... "I hate when I'm making a protein smoothie and boys just show up in my gym"  lol

     Milk or Water in your protein shakes or smoothies?

1. Your goals. Are you attempting to lose or maintain your weight? If you’re looking to lose it, it’s probably best to go with water to save calories. While milk may make the shake taste a little better, the extra calories in it won’t do much to fill your belly and are better spent on a more filling alternative.

2. Your diet type. What type of diet are you on? If you are utilizing a lower-carbohydrate approach, it’s better to go with water as each cup of milk contains 12 grams of sugar. If you’re counting calories, you could choose milk or water so long as you are factoring in the calories that the milk adds to the shake. I would personally rather get those calories by adding something more satiating, such as a piece of fruit, alongside the shake.

3. Time of day. Because of the insulin release caused by milk, it is best drunk in the morning and avoided in the evening. In fact, you should be choosing a low-carb (protein only) shake in the evening hours.

4. Your preference. Ultimately, you are the one who is drinking the shake, so if you enjoy the taste when mixed with milk much more than mixed with water, there’s nothing wrong with choosing low-fat milk (at least some of the time). Just be sure to factor in the calories


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