

Saturday, September 17, 2011

It's my Birthday & I'll train if I want to =)

Birthday's are like holidays and weekends to me... Everyday is a potential workout day!  Exception would only be if these days landing on your rest day.. Other than that there should be NO excuse for not workout out.
Birthday cakeIf there's cake involved and you workout? Allow yourself to indulge on your special day with a yummy piece of cake! Share the rest with others so there's no left over cake after your birthday is over..One day of letting go of the diet will not hurt you as long as you allow it to be only one day and not continue to indulge like it's your birthday or a holiday all year long! That's where the pounds creep on to our bodies, is when we don't stop at continue to eat like it's our birthday or holiday all year long!  Make it a designated treat once in awhile or have a cheat day and you will enjoy it much more and still keep your body shape ~
Example: of too many days eating cake! 
Cake With Missing Slice
Enjoy your piece of cake!
The Truth about six pack abs - http://6packabsworkouts.blogspot.com
Example: of treating yourself once in awhile & training hard all year long!

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