

Friday, December 2, 2011

Fitness Women Athletes ~ Stereo Typed & Judged !

This is so very true! Most judge us harshly and feel we are self absorbed, vain and full of ourselves.  I have been asked to talk to several groups of women that have stereo typed us (fitness women) judged us and placed in an unattractive category. After listening to my story and how I came to being a competing bodybuilder, fitness competitor & fitness model their prejudged views on me and what other fitness women stand for became totally reversed. They got to see inside of me and not just judge the outside.

Some even felt ashamed for prejudging me and other fitness women athletes just because they didn't have the same desires as we do. They were able to see inside me on a deeper level and find out why I do what I do, and am what I am. It felt really good to be able to do that for me and for others as well. That's way I feel these fitness blogs are so important as they show who were really are in more depth. We all have a story to be heard not judged. Most of our stories and journeys don't have anything to do with being self absorbed, vain, or narcissistic at all. In fact it most cases it's the complete opposite. This is the very reason we as fitness women athletes can appreciate and support each other even in competition.

We are NOT just vain women who want  to have nice body, or strive for attention. In fact most fitness women athletes are the complete opposite. Most of us are nowhere close to being vain and we are humble and also struggle with body issues and acceptance just as everyone does. Sometimes we struggle more with accepting ourselves and being comfortable in our own skin. Having a nice fit body is just a perk to the entire package of being and feeling physically fit. I cannot speak for all fitness women athletes, but in my case and many others I have come to know along the way do come from a humble place of just wanting something better for themselves. Not all women want to compete, but 99% of us want to be fit, beautiful and healthy for life.

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