

Thursday, December 22, 2011

" Be Your Biggest Fan"

Staying motivated is the key to any weight-loss plan. And let’s face it: It’s hard to stick to a diet, especially when the weather starts to cool. To aid you in your diet plan, I have a trick for battling those moments of weakness when you’re faced with a diet-busting temptation, such as a gargantuan slice of cheesecake or a second serving of your mom's fat-laden stuffing with thick gravy.

First, imagine a group of loving and compassionate people, the ones you know in real life that love and care about you. Or famous people you admire – Imagine these loving supportive people in your life that continually inspire you and are your biggest fans. Imagine these images of famous people you admire and visualize what you admire about them. Then visualize what you want for yourself and how happy you will be by continuing to stay true to your dreams and what you are aspiring to be. A fit healthy, happy person.

Allow this positive energy to transcend the confines of your mind and heart and fill up your entire body. Now visualize your team of loving people cheering you on, discouraging you from making that diet-busting mistake. Cheering you on and motivating you each step of the way. Inspiring you to get to that awesome place you have been daily striving for, and to be the best you can be.  

If you have to, carry a inspiring photo or pic with you, or post a pic somewhere that you are able see everyday. A inspiring pic or photo that you can turn to when you’re in desperate times. I promise you this method works in those desperate times. It reminds you of what it is you are striving for and what you have committed fully to do for yourself. To be fit, healthy, happy and the best "YOU" can be!


Warrior Fit Chick said...

I love this!!!

tropicalgirl11 said...

Such awesome motivation...love your blog girl :) xo

✿islangurl said...

My two #biscutbuddies <3 =) I am happy u loved my post & you both give me motivation everyday...Mahalo!