

Friday, December 23, 2011

Can Wine Make You Fat ?

  A glass of wine here and there isn’t bad. In fact, it may protect against heart disease. But it’s the two, three or more glasses that may be doing a number on your waistline and your health. A typical drink — 5 ounces of wine, 12 ounces of light beer or a shot of 80-proof liquor — contains about 110 calories. Two to three drinks a day adds up to nearly 2,000 extra calories per week. But more important than calorie content is alcohol’s effect on the body’s hormones.

Alcohol consumption triggers the release of cortisol, a stress-related hormone that heavily contributes to abdominal fat storage and muscle loss. It decreases insulin sensitivity, leading to increased fat storage and decreased fat burning. It’s also associated with lower leptin levels, a hormone fundamental to metabolism, especially when you’re trying to lose weight. And lastly, even moderate alcohol consumption raises estrogen levels, which may increase your breast cancer risk.

Bottom line: If you regularly enjoy alcoholic beverages, you may want to consider its effects on your waistline and your health.

It being the holiday season it can be hard to just have one glass of wine or curtail your drinking while enjoying all the parties and festive family gatherings. If you indulge more than usual during this time don't beat yourself up about it. Just keep on track with your training/workouts and eating clean and healthy during the times you are not at a party or a festive family gathering. It is possible for you to keep all your hard work that you have endured and worked hard for all year safe from complete sabotage. 

Be safe if you indulge in more than on glass of alcohol and have a wonderful Happy Holiday season! Merry Fitness 2 all =)

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