

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Top #30 Ways To Lose Belly Fat ~ #2 "Don't Just Diet"

Top #30 Greatest Ways To Lose Belly Fat..
#2 Don't Just Diet... Women who control their calorie intake and exercise regularly lose more belly fat than women who only diet. We need to remember that cutting your calories down to low slows down your metabolism. It also makes your body go into starvation mode and will hang on to your fat as a way of survival. It's important to get enough calories to keep your body fueled and burning. Feed your body 5-6 small meals through out the day, never allowing more than 3-4 hours pass without feeding your body. This will assure that your body will not think it's starving and go into survival mode and hold on to that dreaded belly fat. Keeping your body fueled through out the day along with regular exercise will keep your metabolism burning. Never just diet and restrict calories, starving yourself thinking you'll lose weight or your belly fat. Going that route as many women seem to do will only make your body worse and set you back emotionally as well. You will feel as if you're restricting yourself without any payoff and think why bother? Do it the right way and you'll find you can eat and not starve or restrict yourself so drastically to obtain the goal your striving for... losing belly fat and also being the fit, strong, healthy person you are meant to be.  

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