

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Top #30 Greatest Ways 2 Lose Belly Fat ~ #3 "Add Muscle"

Top #30 Greatest Ways To Lose Belly Fat..
 #3 Adding Muscle 
It's no secret that you cannot just spot reduce a specific body part. So getting rid of that dreaded belly fat will take much more than just doing abdominal exercises. You will benefit greatly from a regular full body strength training program. Work out your abs along with your other body parts, one or two each training session. It's best to break your body parts up...Example: Chest/Triceps, Back/Biceps, Legs, Shoulders. Muscle combinations can and should be change to keep your body from adapting. Example: Next time you train your chest combined with your shoulders, triceps/biceps, back/hamstrings and then do your quads/calfs. Adding in your ab exercises either after you train or before, but do not be lazy and promise yourself you'll do them next workout because you're too tired.  Abs are one muscle you can work more often than the other muscle groups which need a day or two between workouts, so you can add them in each workout and rest them on your total rest day. It's true you cannot spot reduce but doing your abs along with strength training and cardio will be the best way to get rid of and keep your belly fat away. Just dieting alone will not do the trick, nor will just exercising alone get rid of that ugly belly fat. You need all three components to get the true benefits in obtaining the fit body and abs you're striving for.

Adding strength training into your workout routine when your trying to lose weight will minimize the loss of muscle. As your losing weight and trimming down your belly fat a lot of muscle can be lost if your not careful. It is inevitable to lose some muscle if your going for weight loss, but adding strength training to your workout routine will help control and minimize your muscle loss. Plus the great benefit of gaining muscle will help you lose more fat even after your workout is done. The more muscle you have the more fat you're able to burn during and after working out. Studies have shown and proven women who do strength training lose more body fat than if they didn't. Plus strength training will also help you keep body fat off.  Strength training along with regular cardio, eating clean and healthy will get rid of that stubborn body fat all over.  Making it part of your everyday life will keep that unwanted, ugly body fat, belly fat  under control and off your beautiful, fit body.

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