

Monday, September 30, 2013

Looking Forward!

Happy Monday! Everyone dreads Monday, but I've come to learn is what you some times dread is what you should start looking forward to. Like Leg Day, Working out. Monday represents a brand new week. New beginning. Something to look forward to is better then dreading it. Change your thoughts, change your body, and change your life!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Be Comfortable Being You!

Feeling and being comfortable in your own skin is a big part of being FIT, Happy & Healthy! Never competing against anyone but yourself. Never wanting to be anyone else but who you are. Being REAL inside and out and loving yourself enough to take care of you and your body. If you can do that you will be comfortable in your own skin. 

Tuesday, September 24, 2013


"The most important kind of freedom is to be what you really are. You trade your reality for a role. You trade in your sense for an act. You give up your ability to feel, and in exchange, you put on a mask. There can't be any large-scale revolution until there's a personal revolution, on an individual level. It's got to happen inside first."  __ Jim Morrison

Sunday, September 22, 2013

"Movement is Life"

If you sit still you won't survive. Keep moving, pushing forward for a better, stronger, faster you. Always Remember "Movement is Life"👊

Free Your Mind!

Free your mind and let your body do what needs to be done..Train Hard! 

Friday, September 20, 2013

Sexy Fit Friday!

Aloha🌺 Sexy Fit Friday! Let your body to the talking and the ROCKIN'! Keep your body rocking hard and make it a Sexy, Fit Weekend! #NoDaysOff 

Thursday, September 19, 2013

"Don't Be A Hater"

Hating seems easier for some people and maybe that's why people do it!? I've been lucky to only get one mean #hater telling me that my muscles are disgusting, and YES he used that very word disgusting on one of my competition pics. I tried not to feel bad about it because it's a common response to muscular women from both men and women. I said my peace, telling him that usually the men who make these types of comments to women can't or don't have muscles of their own and feel less of  a man so to feel better they hate on women with muscles. I've yet to have a female hater so I feel lucky to only have one experience with a Hater thus far. I've seen them on other fitness IG and FB pages I follow and it's just sad. If you can't say something nice or positive just SHUTUP and DON'T follow if you hate so much! Physical Negative comments are just unnecessary and show and spot light your own physical insecurities and weakness. 

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Fit Tip: "Tiny Belly"

I've repeated this to many who tell me they've tried everything to lose weight, trying to get a fit, lean, healthy body but NOTHING seems to work. Well, there's no quick fix or secret program it takes Consistency, Drive and wanting to change. I've seen both women and men who exercise, pay trainers with NO results and even go backwards and they feel it just don't work for them and give up.  I tell them if you are truly working out at least 3-4 x weekly or more and seeing No results then "YOU" are eating wrong and or NOT eating enough and eating the wrong things. You need to be honest with yourself and start realizing you CANNOT out exercise a BAD Diet! Consistency and Committing to working out at least 4-5x a week in both strength training and cardio plus eating enough and often throughout the day. Consuming clean, healthy food. It takes time to get over weight, unhealthy so don't expect to fix years of lazy bad choices in a few months. Just accept what you've created and do what need to do to rectify your bad choices and commit to the process of putting in the hard work, sacrifice and living fit not just dieting for a few months for a special occasion or for just summer swimsuit season. Start living it, breathing it, tasting it and don't ever STOP! You will see results. You will change and it will be the best choice you've ever made. You DON'T have to settle for less than your potential or less that you deserve. It's NOT easy. It's uncomfortable, but so is being Fat, unhealthy and unhappy in your own skin every damn day! It's in your power to do it and get the Fit, Strong, Healthy body you want. Get to it Today!!!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

I Love My Workout Time!

I have always been passionate about working out and enjoy my training time. I know not all people feel the same and that saddens me. I feel it's important to find workouts, sports and exercises you can love, enjoy and be passionate about. Everyone's different and not all people love working out in the same way. In saying that I feel you need to find workouts, exercises that you can be passionate about and happy doing, and at the same time will challenge you and take you out of your comfort zone and help you excel and become and be the fittest you can possibly be. Find your happy WORKOUT time and be FIT, Healthy and Happy!