

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Top #30 Greatest Ways 2 Lose Belly Fat ~ #16 "No Smoking"

Top #30 Greatest Ways to Lose Belly Fat..

#16. No Smoking
This is most likely going to be one of the hardest ones if you're a smoker, but it's important to know that nicotine will impede fat loss from the belly area. So if you're really serious of about obtaining flat abs, getting rid of the dreaded belly fat, and other health incentives of smoking cessation haven't given you enough incentives to stop. Perhaps this will be the one incentive what will give you the desire to quick smoking. Just knowing that smokers tend to have more belly fat than non-smokers will help make the positive life choice to stop smoking. Smoking may not only lead to increased amounts of belly fat but it also a reduction in lean muscle mass.

Smoking habit causes the risk of deadly conditions like heart disease, cancer, lighting up also increases the size of you midsection. People who smoke are more likely to accumulate fat in the stomach rather than other parts of the body. A plan to lose the fat is essential, since excess weight in your stomach triggers harmful reactions that.. much like smoking, can shorten your life. The immediate effects of smoking on your body are numerous and include stained teeth and unpleasant breath. Long-term damage from smoking represents a more harmful threat, as your likelihood is greater to fall victim to heart disease, wrinkles, ulcers and gum disease, as well as lung cancer. Some people my rely on smoking as a method to control weight, but Harvard Medical School reports that smokers are more likely to have large stomachs than people who remain smoke-free. Smoking triggers a reaction inside your body that diverts the fat from places like the thighs and hips and causes an unhealthy buildup inside your abdominal area. Hopefully now knowing all of this will give you the incentive to toss the smoking habit out of your life even if the main reason is because you want your stomach to be fit, lean, beautiful and look fab in a swimsuit again.

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