

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Exercise Of The Week✿ "Dumbbell DeadLift"

Dumbbell Deadlift
The dumbbell dead lift is a variation of the traditional barbell dead lift. All the same muscle groups are used and the lift is basically the same. The only difference is that your going to be using dumbbells instead of a barbell. A perfect exercise for those of you who don't have access to a barbell.

This exercise is considered a compound movement using the lower back, front thighs, and the butt as primary muscle groups. Secondary muscle groups include biceps, abs, calves, and hamstrings.

Position for the dumbbell dead lift
1. Standing with feet at shoulder length, bend at the knees and pick up two pairs of dumbbells. Stand up until the dumbbells are at your sides.
Execution of the dumbbell dead lift  
1. Slowly bend at the knees until the dumbbells reach the floor. Remember to bend with your knees and not the back.
2. Your thighs should be almost parallel to the ground while your arms are held straight with no bend.
3. Slowly stand back up to the starting position. The arms should remain straight as you come to a standing position.

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