

Friday, June 29, 2012

Top #30 Greatest Ways 2 Lose Belly Fat ~ #25 "Eat Every 3 Hours"

Top #30 Greatest Ways To Lose Belly Fat..

#25 Eat every three hours 
Eating a low-carb snack in between your main meals will help your body starve off hunger and avoid blood sugar spikes. This is important because the lower you're able to keep your blood sugar, the lower the levels of the hormone insulin. Insulin is a hormone that encourages fat storage, particularly in the tummy area. So, try to do what you can to keep your insulin levels as low as possible by keeping your body feed every three hours. It doesn't have to be a large meal, in fact keeping your meals smaller and feeding your body 5-6 times throughout the day will keep your body from being hungry and going into starvation mode. We all know what starvation mode does to our body? If you don't? It is not better to not eat as your body will go in to fight or fight mode and hold on the all your fat, including belly fat. Then when you finally feed your body after starving it all day or longer then 5-6 hours your body will hang on to every bit of it in fear of being starved again. If your body is accustomed to getting food more frequently like every 3-4 hours it will keep burning just like a furnace and that means no stored belly fat. Eating a healthy snack between your meals will also keep your energy levels and massively reduce the risk of junk food binges. So, get to feeding your body and burn off that dreaded belly fat... uncover the beauty beneath the fat!

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