

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Top #30 Greatest Ways 2 Lose Belly Fat ~ #4 "Exercise @High Intensity"

 Top #30 Greatest Ways To Lose Belly Fat..
#4 Exercise @ High Intensity 
I think the tortoise got it wrong as slow and steady doesn't always win the race. Forget about the "Fat Burning Zone" which is basically exercising at moderately low intensity.  Many studies have shown and proven that exercising at high intensity burns a lot more calories because it can boost metabolism for up to two days after your workout. Another plus is it burns more belly fat and overall fat from your entire body. An Australian study showed that women who did 20 minuets of interval training 3x a week burned more belly fat than women who exercised at moderate intensity for 40 minuets 3x a week. High intensity workouts should be done 2-3 x weekly on no consecutive days. Depending on your condition and what your training for, maintenance, weight loss or competing you can do more high intensity training. If you're just starting out and haven't done any high intensity training you'll want to start slow and work up to doing 2-3 days a week.  If you are in top shape and maintaining or working towards competing you will be able to do more high intensity workouts without any trouble. It is always best to incorporate these high intensity workouts on nonconsecutive days. This way your body can rest and recuperate between your high intensity workouts. Rest is just as important for your body to heal, grow and recuperate before hitting the next high intensity workout.

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