

Monday, June 18, 2012

Top #30 Greatest Ways 2 Lose Belly Fat ~ #13 "Sleep"

Top #30 Greatest Ways To Lose Belly Fat..
#13 Sleep
To lose belly fat you might be surprised to know that getting plenty of quality sleep is very important and lack there of causes stress on the body. Sleep deprivation stresses the body and can raise fat-storage hormone cortisol. Research has shown that women who get only five hours of sleep a night are almost twice as likely to be obese then women who get seven hours of sleep at night. The hormones leptin and ghrelin that control hunger are also thought to play a role, and as insufficient sleep increases appetite while reducing the feeling of satiety. A combination of fatigue, insomnia, and irregular hours contribute to weight gain in the stomach area.. Some people misinterpret body signals from elevated cortisol, with its increased blood sugar and insulin release, and eat when tired. This combination of increased cortisol, inactivity, lack of sleep, and eating, increases deposits of fat around the middle or on the abdomen.
Reduce your levels of stress (Cortisol) to improve sleep..
1. Mediation, yoga
2. Making lists of things that need to be done and crossing each one off as it's accomplished.
3. Relaxing in warm water
4. Watching funny movies, comedy, laughter
5. Healthy diet and exercise 
6. Vitamin C has been noted to reduce cortisol
7. Recognizing and removing any source of stress, when possible and when in one's locus of control.
8. Medication if needed. Cortislim, Cortiburn, and Relacore to name a few.

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