

Monday, August 20, 2012

"Scale vs Mirror"

Get off the scale and get your nude booty in front of the mirror. It may not be your favorite household item, but the mirror is truly your best ally when it comes to seeing your weight-loss progress. Unfortunately, it’s difficult for many women to wean themselves off of the bathroom scale because it gives them what seems like "direct" feedback. But consider this: The scale does not differentiate between your body’s lean mass and fat mass. So, if you’ve been working out for two weeks and the number on the scale has gone up, don’t freak out. You’ve most likely gained muscle mass as you’ve lost fat mass, and you may even be retaining water, all of which add to that higher number. 

My late husband, god bless him would always tell me to just look in the mirror either in my bikini or naked to get the real truth. He was so right as much as we don't want to admit the mirror doesn't lie. You can see that you lost 5-10 pounds on your scale, but if you don't see it in the mirror there is a problem. Granted if you trying to lose a lot of weight a few pounds would be hard to noticed right away, but after you have been workout and training hard, eating clean and losing weekly you should start to see changes to your body in the mirror. Especially if you're lifting weights because we all know muscle weighs more than fat. The mirror should be you main scale to show you the real truth and it will also show where you might need more work. Don't be afraid to look, it's just you and the mirror. I know that can be scary but don't let it scare you, let it guide and empower you to do what you need to do to feel great about yourself and soon you will be naked in the mirror and see exactly what you want to see and know that you worked hard for it. Then you need to keep it and keep looking in the mirror to make sure you're on point!

Instead of going to the scale for feedback, take a good long look in the mirror. As your body composition changes from fat into lean tissue, you will notice visual improvements in muscle definition and body shape. And that’s the best kind of motivation for continuing with your fitness program. 

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