

Thursday, August 16, 2012

5 Keys 2 Fat-Loss Success

1. Set realistic short-term goals. Think of these as mini-goals. If you’re training to run in a long-distance marathon, start out with smaller mileage races. Slowly your time will improve and your distance will lengthen, and before you know it, you’ll be running a competitive marathon. There is no way to reach a huge long-term goal without a few mini-goals along the way.

2. Short-term goals should lead you to long-term goals. Allow for occasional setbacks along the way, but regard them as learning experiences and stepping stones on the pathway to a better more fit you. That's the beauty of short-term, or mini-goals. You can make a few missteps along the way and still reach your ultimate goal, as long as you learn from your missteps and get back on track. Never let a setback or misstep stop you from continuing to move forward to your fitness goals.

3. Set a training schedule and stick to it. It helps to have a contract with yourself. Some clients put the schedule in writing; others tack it to their fridge or keep a sticky-note in their wallets; and many keep it in their heads. I suggest to keep a training journal and keep your daily workouts, daily diet and you can also keep your fitness contract, and workout schedule in your journal and refer to it everyday. Nonetheless, these methods share a common objective: to urge you to stick to your goal.

4. Listen to your body.
Your body sends you signals when it's too full or too empty; paying attention to the signals is one way to stay in balance. Your exercise should be the same. Fatigue is a sign to take a break, and it's OK to do so. The old adage of "no pain, no gain" has gone by the wayside. Because if your body is feeling tired, or fatigued it's your body's way of telling you it needs rest. Rest is a must just as food is to our muscles. Without sufficient rest our muscles will not grow or repair and that will hinder any gains you hope to make. It's great to hit your body hard when your working out and feel that pain to make your muscle gains, but remember to also give your body love and let it rest and recover. Love your body and your body will love you back.

5. Constantly challenge yourself. Life is meant to be a challenge. We strive to meet challenges and move beyond them. If we don't learn, we can't grow. Success is like a muscle; it doesn't grow if it isn't stretched. So how far will you stretch today? Make each day a challenge and conquer it!!!

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