

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

"Are You Cheating? On Yourself"

You skipped you workout and decided to stay home to watch TV...for the third time this week. It's OK, because nobody's watching, right? When you're the only person you are accountable to for your actions, or lack thereof, you're walking in dangerous territory. Why? Because it's easy not to feel guilty about skipping a workout if nobody is there to chastise you. And when you fall off the workout wagon completely, who is going to be there to point fingers? Nobody. You may be getting away with being lazy now, but an unhealthy lifestyle will catch up with you sooner rather than later. And when it does, you'll wish you hadn't plopped down on the couch with the TV remote in hand every night.

If you don't have someone who can help reinforce your healthy lifestyle needs, it's clearly up to you to learn a little self-discipline. But what if you don't feel like exercising today? Think about the implications laziness will bring tomorrow. So what if you'd rather have the pepperoni pizza than the grilled chicken salad...your body doesn't need the extra 500 calories. You're not outsmarting anyone when you cheat yourself out of the healthy body you deserve. You're just delaying the healthy rewards that are rightfully yours if only you'd practice some self-discipline now. Yes, it's difficult to overcome the day to day temptations, but it's also so worth it . 
Each time you are tempted to cheat, remind yourself that the only person you are hurting is you. After all cheaters don't prosper, or have a fit, healthy body. Remind yourself of how you want to look and feel when you're tempted to cheat and miss your workout or eat unhealthy food choices. Hang some motivational pictures that are sure to inspire you and when you see them they will trigger that inner motivation and get you out of your lazy comfort zone and back up in to your healthy fitness routine.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Love this! So true! Only person that will be hurting is the person who is making bad choices! Self discipline is very hard, but certainly doable! I do it everyday! Days I want to drink a small bottle of coca cola just like I used to but I don't! I love your blogs! :)