

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Top #30 Greatest Ways 2 Lose Belly Fat ~ #11 "No Crash Diets"

Top #30 Greatest Ways To lose Belly Fat..

#11 No Crash Diets
Try your very best to avoid crash diets and very low calorie diets as well. Don't be tempted by the quick fix for a 48 hour lose 10 pounds fast advertizement, or any quick fix to lose weight the easy way. There are NO easy, quick fixes or magic ways to losing weight or belly fat. If you do these quick fix diets or lower your calorie intake for long lengths of time you will only stress your body and increase cortisol. Also very low calorie diets will trigger the bodies starvation response which therefore slows down your metabolism which causes the body to hold on to body fat reserves more tightly. In doing these quick fix diets or lowering your calories in order to lose weight you only have a back fire effect and come out worse off in the long run. You don't have to starve to lose belly fat, in fact you need to feed your body and make sure your body knows it's being feed. This way your body can let go of that dreaded body fat it holds on to while in fight or flight mode when calories are restricted or you're crash dieting. Doing this is not treating you body good at all. Remember if you want to lose belly fat, body fat you need to treat your body good by feeding it clean, healthy food within 3-4 hours for each meal. Exercise daily, drink lots of water and sleep enough. This is loving your body and in turn your body will love you back!

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