

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Top #30 Greatest Ways 2 Lose Belly Fat ~ #12 "Relax"

Top #30 Greatest Ways 2 Lose Belly Fat..

#12 Relax
Research has shown that women with the biggest bellies also suffer with the most amount of stress, which is thought to be due with chronically elevated levels of fat-storage hormone cortisol. Try to adopt some stress reduction techniques to reduce any negative emotions which increase cortisol levels, such as anxiety, anger, fear and stress. Also learning how to nip stress in the bud before it causes damage by engaging in some stress free activities. Knowing yourself, and your body will help when you feel this stress coming on. Knowing when you're stressed you will be able to nip it in the bud by relaxing and not letting the stress take over, which causes your cortisol levels to sky rocket. Stress at times is okay, and most of us thrive on it, but only for a very short time. Allowing the stress to be drawn out and continuous in your daily life is very damaging and extremely unhealthy for your body and for you. Plus it's one of the main culprits which causes that ugly belly fat we all want to get rid of, but seem to have trouble doing so. So add relaxing to your daily to do list and know when you're stressed out so you can relax, de-stress and work towards getting rid of that belly fat. It's all part of loving and taking care of your body.

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