

Monday, June 11, 2012

Top #30 Greatest Ways 2 Lose Belly Fat ~ #6 "Know Your Body Type"

Top #30 Greatest Ways To Lose Belly Fat...
#6 Know Your Body Type
There are three body types, #1 Ectopmorphs ~who are naturally skinny with a fast metabolism.They are light muscled with low body fat. #2 Mesomorph ~who have a athletic build, are well muscled and can lose weight easily. #3 Endomorphs ~who have a sluggish metabolism, higher levels of body fat, gain weight easily and have to work harder than other body types to lose weight.

It's important to have the knowledge of your own body type. Each body type responds differently to training and diet so knowing your own body type and how it reacts will only benefit you and help you in reaching your goals more efficiently. Example: Endomorphs tend to respond and do better with low-carb diet and have to work on losing weight without slowing their already slow metabolic rate. Plus in knowing your body type it will help you make realistic goals. Another example: Ectopmorphs will struggle to boast the ribbed abs of a mesomporph. This is because ectopmorphs gain muscle with great difficulty. While endomorphs can have a flat, toned stomach, it will be more difficult for them. Meaning, endomorphs require a lot more training and clean eating. For a endomorph to achieve 6-pack abs would be much hard and require more training, eating clean than it will for a mesomorph body type. This is because having 6-pack abs requires more muscle and low body fat percentage.

It might not always seem fair and hard to understand for some, but it will benefit you greatly to learn about your own body type so you can work with the body God gave you. We all have our strong parts and our weak parts. Working with them and being able to create and prevail against any odds is what makes it worth while in the long run. It's maybe easier for some that are genetically gifted, but again the ones who are not genetically gifted with more obstacles to work around always work harder and seem to be the best fighters. So whatever body type you are learn about it and how to make it work for you in your life style. Each body type can obtain the fit, sexy, healthy body it was meant to be. It's just all up to you and how hard you're will to work for it?

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