

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Top #30 Greatest Ways 2 Lose Belly Fat ~ #26 "Cut Out Sugar"

Top #30 Greatest Ways To Lose Belly Fat...

#26 Cut out sugar
Because of the effects that food has on our body, it doesn't just matter how many calories you eat, but it also matters what you eat. The hormone that acts in opposition to insulin is called glucagon. Where you want to keep insulin as low as possible, do to it's fat storage effects. Therefore you want to keep your glucagon levels high because it mobilizes fat from storage. Whenever you eat high sugar food or refined carbohydrates, (ig white bread) your blood sugar spikes causing insulin to spike and glucagon to be low. Therefore you definitely want to eat as little sugar as possible. Sugar is a simple carbohydrate that's extremely calorie-dense. At four calories for each gram of sugar it's a easy to go overboard on sweet treats and beverages and not even be aware you are. According to medical experts, sugar consumption, especially the added sugars from soft drinks, is directly tied to weight gain and obesity -- increased body fat, and belly fat.  So, the lesson is cut out the sugar, or at least most of it if you want that beautiful flat tummy to shine through.   It's worth giving up sugar, eating healthy and training hard for, as it's true what they say about being fit and healthy "Nothing taste better than a fit, beautiful body.


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