

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Top #30 Greatest Ways 2 Lose Belly Fat ~ #7 "Exercise"

Top #30 Greatest Ways To Lose Belly Fat...
#7 Exercise
It has been proven in research that women who don't exercise gain a whopping 12% deep belly fat just over 8 months time. In other words, you're not just exercising to lose belly fat.. you have to exercise to prevent GAINING belly fat. It is a known fact that you cannot spot reduce and the parts of your body with the most fat are usually the last to go when you're trying losing weight. So you do need to exercise and commit to exercising on a regular daily basis to get to those hard to get fatty parts of your body. We all have our body parts where we gain more weight and men and women will lose differently. Men will lose weight faster than women do, but both men and women will lose in less fatty places first before hitting the more fattier parts of the body. So you do need to continue exercising and not give in after a few weeks, or a months time because you're not seeing results in the places you want to. If you commit and stay consistent over time you will start seeing it trim off your whole body. It's true it takes about 4 weeks for you to see a difference, 8 weeks for others to see a difference and 12 weeks for the world to see. So stick with it and commit to exercising your whole body and you will get to those dreaded fatty places and whittle down that belly fat sooner than you think. Plus you will feel feel good all over being fit, strong, sexy and healthy!

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