

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Train Hard... Rest Up & Recover

Believe it or not, rest is one of the most important aspects of any resistance training program. Now don’t go getting all excited and head for the couch. We're talking about giving your muscles 24 hours of rest in-between workouts. A rest period of at least 24 hours allows the body to recover from exercise. Resting helps your body replenish glycogen stores and progressively adapt to the exercise stress.

Progressive adaptation allows you to reach higher levels of fitness over time, which is very important. Otherwise, you’re stuck in a plateau and going nowhere. To make the most of your rest days, allow at least one full day of rest in between working a specific muscle group. But don’t make the mistake of thinking “if some is good, more is better.” Allowing more than three days of rest for a muscle group will have you losing what you’ve worked so hard for.

If you want to work out more than every other day, group your workouts by muscle type or geography. For example, do an “arms” day on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and then alternate with a “legs” day on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. And then give your body at least one full day of complete rest, like on Sunday. Rotating your workouts in this way will help you from losing your gym habit, but allow you to rest up, recover and get revved up for more! Taking your scheduled rest days will also prevent you from over training your muscles too. Over training can be a major set back and be just as bad as missing your workouts, so make sure to rest and let your muscle recover. After a good day of rest your muscles will be full, repaired, recovered and ready to train hard.   


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