

Friday, April 20, 2012

Exercise of the Week✿ "Dumbbell Lunge"

  Dumbbell Lunge
The dumbbell lunge exercise
The dumbbell lunge is a great leg builder. Considered a compound exercise, the dumbbell lunge will help strengthen and develop the front thighs, glutes (butt), hips, and calves.

This exercise can be a little tricky to perform because the movement is a little awkward. When starting this exercise, it's important not to use heavy dumbbells. Try using light dumbbells orj just use your own body weight for the first couple of sessions in order to get a feel for this exercise.

Remember to really concentrate on using your front thighs to push your body weight up and not your back.

Also, keep your back straight at all times and do not swing your arms. Also, never allow you knee to hit the floor as you are coming down.

Position for the dumbbell lunge
1. With your feet at should width, pick up a pair of dumbbells.
2. Stand up straight with the dumbbells with your arms fully extended. Make sure your toes are pointed forward.
Execution of the dumbbell lunge
1. Lunge the right leg forward in a stepping motion to a position where your knee joint forms a 90 degree angle (roughly 3 feet). Your thigh should be parallel with the floor and your shin perpendicular to the floor. Your back knee should almost touch the floor.
2. Using the muscles of the right leg, tighten your contraction and return to the standing position.
3. Repeat with the left leg, then back to right leg and so on until set is completed.

           Walking Lunge
Walking lunge is the same movement and form as standing, yet instead of stepping back out of the lunge to upright position to alternate to the next leg...you will be taking your back leg and lunging it forward to keep the lunge moving forward walking in the lunge position. So basically you're doing an exaggerated walk lunging forward keeping your balance with each lunge step forward. Doing this with your own body weight at first is suggested until you're sure of you balance and form before holding weight while preforming the walking lunge.
In fact using just your body weight and doing more reps as you preform the walking lunge is a favorite of mine. I like to do the walking lunge up hill as well as flat ground using just my body weight going in to a full deep lunge walk for 100 plus reps. The walking lunges gives you the ultimate burn on your quads, hamstrings and glutes. I like to do the walking lunge with just my body weight and then when I preform the standing lunge I like to use heavy dumbbells or barbell w/50-75 lbs.  If I go heavier I will use the Smith Machine do to my lunges, and reverse lunges with more  weight added. This way if I get stuck while doing heavy lunges the Smith Machine acts as a spotter for me. I can release bar on the machine if I get stuck. In all my years I have never gotten stuck in a bad lunge position when using heavier weight. I have lost balance a few times as you will too... So it's important to practice without weight to strengthen that area and allow your body to get use to the lunge movement. The lunge is a women's best friend 


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