

Monday, April 2, 2012

Inspire Me ✿ "Make it Burn"

Since day one I was trained and taught to make my muscles and body burn while working out. Getting that burn means pushing to and past that failure point. When you're on your last rep and don't stop and keep pushing for more... You feel the burning deep inside your muscles. My brother would always make me go past and beyond the set amount of reps to make my muscles burn and shock them to hell. This is where I learned to love and embrace the burn. I do the same thing when I am doing my hill running or intervals. I may have a end marker in my head, but I will always go past that point to push myself. Pushing my body harder as I feel the burning in my legs pushing past my comfort zone and feeling my quads, hamstrings and my glutes burning as I climb that extra hill, that extra mile. 
No matter if I am weight training, running, elliptical trainer, monster tire flipping or circuit training I will always go past my finish marker and push for the burn. This is where you make your gains, your growth and push yourself past your comfort zone to excel. Becoming better each day while fine tuning your body to be strong, sexy and super fit. Try it, love it "Make it Burn" 

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