

Sunday, April 29, 2012

"Running on Empty"

If you're not sure when is the best time to work out? Here’s a little secret: Do it first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Research has shown that you’ll burn more calories if you perform cardio before breakfast than if you eat first. I don't like doing my cardio in the early morning, but when competing I forced myself to do my cardio which was mostly running in quarter mile, half miles intervals for 3-4 miles and or doing a three mile straight run as fast as possible and last but not least the dreaded half mile beach sprint in the sand.

Oh how I dreaded those early mornings waking up my body that way, but I learned to look forward to those early mornings because I felt amazing afterward and then I could feed my empty stomach as soon as I was done. Except for a little water I would always do my runs on a empty stomach. Doing cadio or a workout on empty stomach early in the morning is not only easier it's also is the best way to getting your metabolism going and your fat burning at the start of your day. 

Other studies have confirmed this and found that fat loss increased only when the study participants exercised in a fasted state. This is because your body fasts at night when you are sleeping, and your metabolism naturally slows down because your body needs less energy. Exercising first thing in the morning will rev your metabolism. I would always say... I am running on empty! So tomorrow morning, throw off the covers, and lace up your running shoes and hit that road for some early morning fat burning to start your fit day!    

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