

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Frequent Workouts Are More Effective...

When it comes to losing weight, it may not be how many calories you burn in a week that makes the most impact on your bottom line. Rather, it's how often you burn these calories.

If you’re relying on a 4-hour weekend hike to make up for a sedentary week, you may actually be better off spending four 1-hour sessions in the gym throughout the week. The reason for this is you’ll have more energy to give to your workouts when you break them up into smaller, more frequent sessions, rather than trying to do it all at once. And that means more calories burned. This is one of the main reasons bodybuilders and fitness competitors do double session workouts when preparing for competition. Doing double sessions with high intensity shorter periods will burn the fat needed to unveil their hard earned muscle. Some competitors who have more to lose will do three session at least 4 hours apart to get the maximum fat burning to get their body ready for the stage.

This type of frequent workout will works for everyone not just fitness or bodybuilding competitors. It also doesn't need to be as extreme doing three work outs a day, but doing a workout everyday is what you need to do rather than thinking a weekend filled with activities will do the trick. It's being consistent and going hard for that time you do have. 
In my case one day this week I had only 30 minuets to do a workout and rather than just not do it because my time was limited and I could of used the extra time to get ready I chose a circuit workout and blasted my body for those 30 minuets. You would be surprised what you can do in a little bit of time. Even if you have 15-20 minuets to workout just go hard and for that time you have and keep your daily momentum going in getting all your workout in for the week. Being consistent and diligent in working out more frequently will start showing up on your physic and make you more motivated to keep up the hard work.

Sign up for a few group fitness classes at your gym to help motivate you to be more active during the week. Or make it a point to get at least 30 minutes of exercise in each morning before you start your day. The more often you exercise, the more success you'll have at finally losing the weight and getting in shape and obtaining your fit body once and for all. So push hard everyday, then push a little more!

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