

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Exercise of the Week✿ "Hack Squat"

The hack squat exercise
The hack squat is a variation of the traditional squat done on a hack squat machine. Most commercial gyms will have a hack squat machine.

This exercise isolates the front thighs more so than traditional squats. This exercises doesn't use the lower back and glutes to the extent that squats do. However, this exercise does a pretty good job of strengthening and building the front of the thighs.

The primary muscle group is the front thighs and secondary muscle groups include the glutes (butt), hamstrings and calves. This exercise comes close to traditional squats but the difference is that it takes some of the pressure off the lower back and glutes.

Position for the hack squat
1. Firmly plant your feet on the hack apparatus. Keep your back straight and flat against the hack rest with your trapezius muscles under the shoulder pads.
2. Place your hands on the hack handles. Keep your head level.
3. Slightly angle your toes outward.
Execution of the hack squat  
1. Slowly bend your knees bringing your upper body downward.
2. When your knees are at 90 degrees, slowly push your body upwards back to the start position. Repeat the movement.

When doing this exercise, keep your feet firmly on the platform and butt on the back pad at all times. By changing the positioning of you feet you're able to hit other area's of your legs to get a more well rounded, full muscle development. Start first set with you feet forward, then turning them outward and then inward to hit all area's of your legs. I have even done the hack squat facing face first and doing a reverse hack squat. This is hard on your lower back so you need to be very careful, but it really hits the glute and hamstring area and will guarantee some major soreness the next day.

Free weight style 
To execute a perfect hack squat using free weights, you need to get a weighted straight-bar with the amount of weight added that fits your level of strength. If you've never done Hack Squats this way you may want to start light to get the form and positioning correct before adding more weight. If you have a partner or spotter they can hand the weighted bar to you from behind. You will be placing you arms and hands behind your back to grab a hold of the bar. Keeping bar in place behind your back with palms facing outward just about glute (butt) level. 
If you don't have a spotter or partner you will be picking bar up backwards by bending down and reaching back to grab bar and then stand up. Once your set and ready with bar is in position you will then squat down just as doing a regular squat, but the trick is you will be holding bar behind your back just at or under your glute area. As you squat down the bar will move with you and lower as you squat down and raise with you back up to same position. It may feel strange and can be difficult executing free weight style, but if you don't have a Hack Squat machine to use then you know you can always perform them free weight style. It's a great way to confuse your muscles as well.. I love doing them both ways to keep my muscles guessing and keeping my training fresh by never letting my body adapt. #LoveHackSquats


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