

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

12 Way To A Better Diet ~ #6 "Don't be so hard on yourself"

6. Don’t be so hard on yourself - Nobody is perfect all the time. If you mess up, miss a few meals, or even have a bad couple of days, just pick yourself up and get back on track. Don't just give up because of one bad day or few days. You’re doing this for you, and the added stress of not living up to your own expectations can lead to a total diet derailment. Feeling bad and defeated about having a few bad days going off your scheduled diet plan can lead to more self doubt. Doubt may lead you in to self sabotage adding more bad days which can easily become bad weeks if you let it. Being healthy and eating healthy does not mean you can’t enjoy foods not on your meal plan. So don’t be so hard on yourself. Allow yourself a bad day or even two without feeling defeated or bad about yourself. Just realize it for what it is and know your in control and get yourself back on that right track again. YOU CAN DO IT!   

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