

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

#8 Steps to Be...."Summer Ready Body"

8 Steps to a Summer-Ready Body

Summer just around the corner and does the thought of putting on a swimsuit, bikini make you panic? Take control of your fitness and get your body in the tip top shape and ready for summer time. Here are 8 Steps for you to get started on your swimsuit ready body.

Step #1 ~ Start by taking note of what you eatOver a typical three day period write down what you eat, paying attention to when you eat, portion size, ingredients and calories (calorie counters are available on the internet). Don't forget to write down every morsel that passes your lips in to your mouth...including liquid.

Step #2 ~ Reset your bodyDetoxing brings your body back into balance so you feel healthier, burn energy more efficiently and reduce water retention-all which help you lose weight. A guided detox program is the best way to cleanse, but if you can’t join one either do a juice fast or try the following for at least 3 days, up to 2 weeks:  
1. Squeeze lemon in to warm water and drink first thing in the morning..This stimulates the liver.
2. Don't eat dairy, meat or refined foods. They produce large amounts of acid wastes in the body.  Don't eat salt, sugar or foods with added sugar. Use honey, agave or stevia if you need to sweeten something. Don’t eat fried foods or foods cooked with oil. If you want to use oil drizzle cold-pressed organic olive or flax seed oil over food just before serving. 
3. Eat as many raw organic fruits and vegetables as your body can handle. If your digestion is weak, you may need to eat some steamed or baked vegetables.
4. Drink at least one raw fruit or vegetable juice per day. 

Step #3 ~ Review your food journal
Identify foods which are processed, high calorie and low nutrition, and contain lots of salt and sugar. Replace them with more nutritious options. Focus on foods that have a high amount of nutrients per calorie such as leafy greens. Replace processed foods with high fiber foods like oatmeal, fruits or vegetables, which help you feel full longer. Replace high fat foods with low fat options. Note times that you eat unhealthy foods, and replace them with wholesome snacks. If you crave something sweet, choose fruit instead; salty and crispy-try snacking on nori or celery sticks.

Step #4 ~ Keep hydrated
Water helps us feel full and flushes out toxins– two key factors for weight loss. But most of us don’t drink enough. During the program drink a minimum of 3 liters of water per day and avoid dehydrating alcohol, coffee, soft drinks
and diet soda.
Step #5 ~ Work up a sweat  
Cardio exercise is the best way to burn fat, and intense intervals burn fat up to 3 times faster. Try walking, swimming, running, or any cardio class for 30-45 minutes, 4-5 days a week. Get your blood pumping and your body moving and work up a good sweat... Keep your metabolism fired up and burning the fat. If you can manage to do your cardio workout in the early morning which will kick start your metabolism and keep it burning throughout the day.

Step #6 ~ Tone, Shape and define
Although it weighs more than fat, muscle uses energy. So the more you have, the more calories you burn – even at rest. 
So get at least 30-45 minuets of strength training in to tone, shape and define your muscles which will make your body look fit, firm and sexy.  Strength training of some sort is a MUST... So make sure to do this along with your cardio and you will be thankful when you get into you swimsuit for your first summer beach outing.

Step #7 ~ Triumph over cellulite
The unsightly texture that can appear on legs, hips and stomach is due to fat, water retention, reduced circulation, fibrous tissue and weakened cell membranes. The recommendations above will improve cellulite, as will eating plenty of healing nutrients. Healthy fats found in nuts and seeds heal cell membranes. Vitamin C, zinc and silica found in fruits, vegetables, pumpkin seeds and oats improve skin’s elasticity.  We don't want any unsightly bumpy cellulite on our body when we get in to our swimsuit... That's just not happening is it? Do the work and it won't!

Step #8 ~ Get the right attitude
The confident people on the beach aren’t always the fittest. How people see you is influenced by how you feel about yourself. Taking care of your body makes you appreciate it more and feel like you look better, which is half the battle.
So be confident in yourself, secure and happy in your own skin and it will show inside and out. Do the work and get your body healthy, fit and ready for the summer and for the rest of your life.. You will glow in your swimsuit this summer.

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