

Sunday, May 20, 2012

12 Ways To A Better Diet ~ #3 "Be Proactive"

3. Be Proactive - Make a list of healthy foods you enjoy, and what foods you can take with you to work, in the car, school, gym etc. You can create entire menus revolving around where you will be at what time of the day. Never give yourself an excuse to not have something available for you to eat, no matter where you are when you are supposed to have a meal. Always keep healthy foods ready to eat on hand. If you don’t you will probably eat whatever is available at the time whether it be fast food, office treats, etc. We all know that when in a crunch to find food we will go right for the fast food. It always seems to be easier to find unhealthy food choices then healthy ones.  Another really bad choice is not eating at all. This can throw off all the hard work you've put in, your diet plan and get you in the habit of making bad food choices and eat whatever is fast, easy and convenient. Know where you will be at what time of the day, when you are open to cook, to eat, to shop for groceries, and plan accordingly. When you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

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