4.5 mile hill run ~
110 walking lunges ~
Omg.. Today's run there was every loose dog and cat around the whole neighborhood. It makes it hard to keep my pace because my dogs pull and I have to either sprint past the loose animals or just change my route. Then I was trying to make past the the area where the wild pigs come out...lol It sucked a lot of my energy out each time I had to do this. Ended up being 4 times in my 5 mile course. It's rare, but certain times neighbors don't tie there dogs up and they love to come out. I'm not afraid of them coming around me, it's my two dogs. They are protective and end up pulling me toward loose dogs or cats. Most times I hold them tight and sprint fast enough to keep them from pulling me too much. I did loose about a 1/2 mile on my run as I had to back track due to three loose dogs at one time.=(
I did get my 4.5 miles in and my nice long steep hill at the very end. The last 2 miles was great and I just powered through it. I also added a extra .25 mile last full sprint up the main hill road to my house. Then did my 100 walking lunges right after. Really 110 lunges as I always do extra "just in case" I missed count.

1 protein smoothie (papaya,pineapple,strawberry) 1scp.creatine 1tsp.flax seed oil
2-boiled eggs ~ 16oz water
1 apple w/1-tbsp.peanut butter ~ 16oz water
1 large cup of clam chowder... Mmmmm so yummy!
1 medium frozen yogurt ~ eggnog/coffee
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