Today's workout!
1 hr. ~ Elliptical Trainer ~ Today was my high school long run day. My son has a class he takes @6pm so I drop him off and run. This run has a great gradual hill that is almost 2 miles long, and perfect to do a long run. It started raining, and that is not going to stop me from running, but it started to rain so hard I couldn't see at all. I did about a mile with my two dogs, then had to stop because the rain was coming down so hard it made it difficult for me to see and was a little slippery. This is the first time rain has ever stopped me from doing my run. =(
So I had about a hour or more to kill till my son was done with his class, so I went home and went on my Elliptical Trainer. I just did a hour w/ the last 20 min. doing hard intervals.
15 min 4-lb hula hoop ~
100 situps w/10-lb medicine ball ~ Throwing and catching at the top of each situp ~
50 V-ups ~ Ouch, I forgot how much I hated those V-ups..lol But the more I don't like something, the more I should do it! A lot of the times we don't like the exercises we are not good at, or strong at yet. This means we need to do them more, and get better at them. So I guess I will be doing more V-ups for my lower abdominal!

Today's diet!
1 large protein smoothie (papaya, mango, banana, strawberry) 1scp.creatine, 1scp.protein, 1tsp.flaxseed oil
1 small bowl homemade turkey chili, 16oz water ~
1 apple
Dinner ~ More chili =) 1 small bowl, 16oz water
1 cup green tea
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