David vs Goliath "Gold Gym Natural Bodybuilding Classic"
David vs Goliath
I was the smallest competitor of this show and I was the last one standing next to the heavy weight winner. This show they did away with having a middle weight class and split the women in two categories... Light weight class, heavy weight class. After winning the light weight class, I then had to pose down next to the heavy weight winner. It was a great experience for me. The heavy weight winner and I were very similar in our body structures except she was just larger than me. She did end up winning the overall title that year. This gave me the incentive to go harder for my next competition to win my first overall title. I knew I needed to get bigger to be able to beat the middle and heavy weight class winners for the overall title. This is what I did indeed. I trained hard for following year to enter another bodybuilding competition bigger and more defined, ripped and ready to take the overall title. This was the year I beat the middle and heavy weight winners for the overall title. To make it a much sweeter win for me I also won the overall best poser award. At that time I didn't know it yet, but I was almost 4 months pregnant winning that overall title.. Sweet it was! Never think you are too small or not good enough to go against the bigger competitors. Yes, taller and larger framed women have more of advantage to win overall, but it is also harder for larger women to fill out their entire frame. So train hard and focus on your own body, large or small and make it the best it can be. Just know, there are those sweet times that history repeats itself and little "David" conquers big "Goliath!
Aloha Kristy, I am glad you liked the story.. Right now my main competition is life, but my competitive side would love try a few more competitions.. It's just Hawaii doesn't have too much in the way of bodybuilding or fitness type shows. I did everything there was here on the islands. There was only one show I never go the chance to do and always wanted to and it's in November.."Paradise Cup" It's never too late, right Kristy =)
Hi Debra! That's a great story! I hope we can read about the other competitions you do soon!
Aloha Kristy, I am glad you liked the story.. Right now my main competition is life, but my competitive side would love try a few more competitions.. It's just Hawaii doesn't have too much in the way of bodybuilding or fitness type shows. I did everything there was here on the islands. There was only one show I never go the chance to do and always wanted to and it's in November.."Paradise Cup" It's never too late, right Kristy =)
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