

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

"Lies That Keep You Fat"

From “I just don’t have the time,” to “My dog ate my workout clothes,” I’ve heard just about every excuse ever invented for not exercising or following a healthy diet. And while you may think you can justify poor lifestyle choices, the longer you give excuses the longer you’re going to have to wait to enjoy the body you want and deserve.

Many of the lies we tell ourselves stem from one giant lie: “I’m not good enough.” When you believe you’re not good enough, then you believe that you don’t have the time to put into it. When you believe you’re not good enough, you fail to make exercise and healthy eating a priority. When you believe you’re not good enough, all you end up with is, well, nothing. I want you to replace that lie with the truth: You are worth it. The truth is that your current body is the most precious gift you have ever been given. Real weight loss won’t happen until your body becomes your highest priority. So the next time “I’m not good enough” creeps into your mind just remind yourself: “I’m worth it.”

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