

Friday, May 4, 2012

"There's No Magic in Being Fit"

Many people drop their exercise routines before they ever get to experience weight loss. They expect to see change too soon and when it doesn't happen they feel why bother? Some exercisers set their expectations too high and go all out in the beginning, then fail to keep up with the unrealistic demands of their WAM-BAM plan.

Don’t overload yourself with unrealistic expectations when you’re just starting out with a new fitness program. You can’t expect yourself to work out three times a day if you’ve been sedentary for years. You’d be so sore after the first day or two that you’d end up back on the couch by day three. Quick-fix plans have you putting all your hopes into a rigorous routine that you think will work in no time at all.

Unfortunately, weight loss takes time. But don’t let that discourage you – the slower you lose it, the slower you gain it back. Start out with a slow, steady routine to get your body adjusted to new movements, and then slowly increase the intensity, frequency or duration of your exercise sessions. Crash diets and grueling exercise routines will get you nowhere. The slower you start, the longer you’ll stick with it and the better your body will be able to adapt and progress. This could take weeks or even months, so be patient. 

Have you ever noticed that Monday's are always the busies day at the gym and for training. Tuesday is busy again and then by Wednesday you see it start dropping down a bit. By Thursday and Friday it is down to the regulars and what I call the "Die Hards"  Same thing goes for the beginning of the New Year, a few months before Summer and the beginning of each new month. Everyone has the best intentions to start their fitness program and be fit and healthy, yet will go to hard trying to make it happen too quickly and when it doesn't the discouragement sets in. This is why you see a drop off in people by the end of the week, by February each New Year and by middle of the month because too many expect by week two or even three they should see their fit, amazing body happen. Sorry, but it just doesn't appear like magic. There's no magic involved in being fit, healthy and feeling good about yourself. Embrace the wonderful, alive feeling you get from working out and continue for that reason alone and not just for obtaining a beautiful body. If you enjoy that and be consistent then you will see the beautiful body forming right before your eyes like magic.
Consistency is the main key to weight loss, getting fit, and maintaining not quantity or how much you do in one day or week. You would be better off doing less and doing it every day consistently than doing a lot a few times a week. If your trying to get fit and lose weight you do need to put the time in to see results. 4-6x per week. 1-3x per week will not get you the results you want if you're wanting to become fit, lose weight or improve what you already have. You need to set yourself up with a good fitness program to begin and be consistent and think of it long term, a life time commitment and stick with it. Only then you will reap the benefits you so desire to have to body of your dreams. There's NO easy way around the hard work that needs to be done. Do the work... Reap the benefits!    

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