

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

"Never Surrender to FEAR"

Can't you just feel and see the power, the strength, the shear guts in these strength training workouts. These are women that clearly are not afraid to lift heavy weights or push their bodies past their limits. You're body is stronger than you think and you'd be very surprised at what your body can do an accomplish if you want it bad enough and train hard for it. 

When I trained for my first Super Fitness competition I had to train to do as many push ups I could do in one minuet. These were full male push ups with your chest hitting the ground and full extension at the top. I train hard every day doing push ups with a 45lb plate on my back till I collapsed. My best was 67 push ups in one minuet. At the competition I was able to do 62 full push ups timed by judges watching each push up closely, counting as I completed each one. The judges couldn't believe the amount of push ups I was able to do as that was over one push up per second. It was believable to me  because I wanted it badly, and I trained my body hard for it and my body proved it could be done. I place first in the push up event as well as three other strength events at that competition.

I would of never believed it was possible to do some of the things I have trained my body to do, but as I have gotten to know my body and trained for different shows I have seen how strong the body can be. If you want it bad enough and commit to training hard for it there are no limits to what you and your body can do. So whether it be strength training, running, swimming or any sporting event that you're training for remember that your body is stronger than you think. Your body can be trained, worked and pushed to conquer pretty much anything you decide you want to do. So never say never and don't be afraid. Just go in with guns blazing and conquer yourself and let your body conquer what it was meant to do. To be Strong, Powerful and Superfit

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