

Monday, April 23, 2012

Blast Belly Fat....But not with Situps!

I have had many people ask me... Why should I also tone the muscles in my arms and legs when my belly is my trouble area?” After all, it sounds logical that if you want a better belly, that’s where you should focus your efforts. If you’ve heard that the best way to burn belly fat is to target only your abdominal muscles, you’ve been misled. Doing sit ups is not going to get you that beautiful, lean, sexy middle you want so desperately.

A half hour or even one hour of crunches every day isn’t going to do anything for the layer of fat that’s hiding those ab muscles. You can’t burn fat in just one area – weight loss affects your entire body. There is no targeting one area on your body. To lose fat and trim a specific area on your body you need to work your entire body as a whole, not just a chosen area that is bothering you... Like your tummy.
If you want a flat belly, you need to do cardio to burn excess stored fat, and a comprehensive weight-lifting program is also necessary to create lean, metabolism-boosting muscle all over your body. This is how you’ll see true results. Only when you strengthen your entire body will you boost your metabolism enough to burn off the layer of fat that is hiding your beautiful abdominal muscles. 
Most importantly you cannot out train a bad diet. If your doing all the above.. working out, doing regular cardio, strength training, yet your eating and putting crap food in your body. Feeding your body with unhealthy food, drinking alcohol will put a huge halt on obtaining that flat belly and beautiful fit body you've been working out hard for. Also not eating enough or often enough throughout the day. Starving your body to loose weight quicker will only back fire on you and effect your body in a extremely negative way. Your body needs to be nourished and feed enough calories from good, healthy food.  Making sure you eat right and get enough calories everyday so all your hard work training your body regularly will not be for nothing and just wasted.

End result and answer to obtaining a fit, sexy, lean middle is you need to incorporate all three main components above.. Regular cardo, fat burning, strength training your whole body not just specific areas, Eating clean, healthy and eating enough to keep your body fueled, nourished so that your metabolism continues to burn throughout the day. Also include lots of water in your diet all day long. #LoveYourBody


diet clinics said...

Well it is a very healthy information regarding weight loss.Hope it is useful for all the people who wants to reduce weight.Thanks for sharing this details to us.

Unknown said...

Hi ,ich mache täglich Bauchmuskeltraining und Rückenübungen. Meine Rückenschmerzen sind viel besser