

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

"Feel The Burn"

When lifting weights, you should feel a significant burn when you finish each set. If you aren’t feeling that burn, your form or intensity may not be ideal. Maintaining proper form will allow you to feel the stress of each move on the specific muscle you’re working.

Don’t let surrounding muscles support your movements. For example, when doing a biceps curl, you should feel the full weight of the dumbbell or cable on your biceps, not your back or shoulders. Bad form not only cheats you of an effective workout, but also puts you at risk for debilitating injuries. Intensity is just as important as form when you’re aiming for maximum results. 

The most critical element regarding intensity is choosing the right weight. Pick a weight that completely fatigues the muscle after four reps (i.e. you can’t lift it one more time because your muscle is too tired). If you can do only 2-3 reps, the weight is too heavy. If you can do 5-6 reps, the weight is too light. Make those repetitions count!  

When lifting weights make sure you're not just going through the motions with each rep. You want to really feel the weight and the muscles you're working. The last reps should be the reps that your muscles are working with the most intensity to failure. You want to be pushing for those last reps and really feeling the muscle you're working. Those last pushed reps are the ones that count the most and will make a huge difference in the overall muscle development over time. So don't be lazy and just go through your workout without any thought or really pushing yourself. Feel the passion in your lifting and push yourself in each exercise and every rep.

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